Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Who REALLY is Omid Scobie?

An examination of the true character traits of the Duchess of Sussex’s PR peddling biased ‘bestie’ Omid Scobie by Nikolay Kalinin

Apart from being a royal editor for Harper’s Bazaar, Omid Scobie claims to be “an authoritative voice on the lives and philanthropic endeavors of the royal family’s younger members.” Strangely though, very little is actually known about this mysterious meddler and given his supposed “fame,” isn’t it strange that there isn’t even a Wikipedia page about him?


On his Twitter feed, Scobie does pompously announce that he’s written a “Sunday Times bestseller” called Finding Freedom about Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their subsequent marriage and defection from the royal family to contradictorily being “private” in the commercial sector. He doesn’t, however, add that said tosh filled tome went to half-price, bargain basement in most bookstores.


Omid Scobie Jodie Marsh Heat
In August 2020, the ‘Daily Mail’ shared that plastic-not-fantastic Omid previously worked at gossip magazine ‘Heat’ and partied with the ‘glamour model’ Jodie Marsh. They mentioned how somebody had “airbrushed” Meghan Markle’s “entry on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia… to include more flattering details days before her romance with Prince Harry became public” and illustrated the ‘Finding Freedom’ author’s “drastic transformation” in two very different photographs.
Omid Scobie Women in Leadership Publication
Illustrating himself to be anything but a real journalist, “influencer” Scobie told the ‘Women in Leadership Publication’: “A casual follower be forgiven for thinking that royal news is just fizzy commentary on the pomp and soap opera of The Firm” in their spring 2021 edition. He self-importantly added: “Reaching millions on Twitter has also enabled my own views and advocacy to travel further” and concluded: “I want to do everything I can to ensure that individuals from every background can get a seat at the table.” Here is someone far from a journalist; here, in fact, is someone who should just be called out as the Duchess of Sussex’s PR peddler.

According to HITC, Scobie was born in Oxfordshire to an Iranian mother and a Scottish father. His papa, Bill Scobie, runs a marketing group called Lingo; it has only one Twitter follower and he purports also to be a musician.


Scobie’s journalistic career began when he worked as a reporter for the gossip go-to Heat. He quit the magazine after he claimed that an executive called him a “P**i” in an email. Whether he was compensated or got an apology for this unproven allegation remains unknown.


Meanwhile, WaliKali suggests that Scobie’s net worth is $800k. It is not only mysterious as to how they managed to calculate that, but it’s also impossible because this means that his net worth is more than that of say LBC host Nick Ferrari even though the latter has a bigger audience than Scobie and is certainly a far better-known figure.


Scobie’s circle of associates is just as curious; for example, Markus Anderson – a man who mysteriously went from a waiter at Soho House to become one of their top consultants – supposedly introduced Scobie to Markle and was the one who led him on the path of becoming an unofficial spin doctor for the Sussexes. Not much is known about Anderson in general; he was born in Canada and according to Town & Country, “his upbringing has influenced his taste in beverages.”


Scobie has a verified Twitter account with over 70,000 followers, which sounds legitimate, except for the fact that in reality 26% – almost 19,000 – of those followers are fake. If you’re the kind of person who uses fake followers, that means you are the kind of person who has no legitimacy in the media industry.


Things are no better for Scobie’s associate Carolyn Durand, who co-wrote Finding Freedom. She has over 12,000 followers on Twitter, of whom almost 44% – in other words 5,293 followers – are fake. It’s surprising how she is also verified on Twitter.


The “Sunday Times bestseller” Finding Freedom has 4/5 stars on Amazon.co.uk, which gives the impression that it was well-liked by readers. It is true that the book did top the charts in the UK, selling 31,000 copies in almost a week. However, what many forget is that a group of people called “Sussex Squad” – which sounds like a battalion of people who could execute anyone who dare criticise the Duchess of Sussex – had been leaving fake 5-star reviews on Amazon on purpose, until Amazon stopped that by limiting reviews to “verified purchases.”


The analysis of the book from esteemed media outlets were no better; whereas on Amazon the book is listed as being described by the Daily Telegraph as “utterly gripping,” the actual review references it as “a one massive moanathon – a one-sided, highly biased, self-pitying account of the relationship (between Harry and Meghan).”


What’s even worse is that both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex actually disowned the biography before it was even published; as the Daily Express reports, the Duchess of Sussex’s lawyer had claimed that the book is “either extremely anodyne and/or I understand are the product of creative licence and/or are inaccurate.” Bizarrely, later, her representative argued that she contributed to the book, but did not provide the authors with the contents of the letter sent to her estranged father.


Scobie’s unreliability can also be evidenced by the fact that he accused the Duke of Cambridge’s aides of planting reports that the latter was “worried about Harry’s mental health,” while not providing evidence that this was the case. Honestly, if you want some-one to believe your side of the story regarding the affair, you have to provide solid evidence, and that goes for both sides.


It seems that ITV too have become suspicious of ‘Spin Doctor Scobie’ as his comments about “planted reports” were cut at the last minute from their documentary Harry & William: What Went Wrong? It aired last night and told opinions on the story about Princes Harry and William’s supposed “rift.”


Scobie is also advertised on the HarperCollins website as the host of ABC’s “popular” podcast The Heir Pod, yet the podcast is anything but popular. If you go to Chartable, a service which provides statistics on podcasts, the podcast does have a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, but only on the basis of 735 reviews. Meanwhile, popular podcasts within the news category – of which The Heir Pod is listed in – such as the BBC’s Global News podcast and The Ben Shapiro Show have thousands of reviews, which demonstrates that there is practically no engagement with Scobie’s podcast.


Another piece evidence of the podcast being anything but “popular” is the fact that it doesn’t chart in any of the big markets such as the US, UK, Canada or Australia. At the time of writing, The Heir Pod charts in Argentina (160th place), Kyrgyzstan (248th place), Antigua and Barbuda (125th place) and Bhutan (138th place). It thus seems to me like ABC is pointlessly wasting millions on a podcast which its target audience doesn’t even want to listen to.


I find it hilarious how instead of trying to present himself as a mature individual, Scobie has decided to try and “cancel” people online such as ‘Yankee Wally’ because she called him a “bloody foreigner” – even though she did not actually mean what she said in an especially derogatory way.


Similarly, Scobie and other members of the sanctimoniously sinsister “Sussex Squad” have silenced and attacked Kate Robertson, a youth organisation leader who criticised the Duchess of Sussex on Twitter for not resolving her grievances with the royal family in private. Eventually, they forced her to delete the tweet and apologise.


Later, Scobie went on Good Morning Britain and justified what happened by saying: “Everyone’s allowed the right to have an opinion on this,” but then also stated: “It stands out when someone speaks so against the couple.” To me, this sounds like pure reinforcement of double standards. Honestly, if you have to rely on ‘cancel culture’ and suppression of freedom of speech in order to defeat your opponent, you don’t deserve to be called a journalist and you certainly should be seen as a threat to society rather than a respected public figure.


What all of this demonstrates is that Omid Scobie is not a genuinely honest reporter and most certainly not the “authoritative voice on the lives and philanthropic endeavors of the royal family’s younger members” that he claims to be. The truth, instead, is that Omid Scobie is a washed-up, childish clot who tries yet fails to portray himself as someone with legitimacy and it’s about time that he got exposed for being nothing but ‘MeGain’s’ number one PR peddler.


Omid Scobie TheHeirPod Chartable Podcast Chart Rankings
Whilst Omid Scobie’s podcast, #TheHeirPod, was “downgraded from ‘a real chore’ to ‘unlistenable’” according to ‘Royal Analysis,’ the true revelation is that it isn’t even popular in the places where it surely should be most relevant, Britain and America.
Omid Scobie Twitter Fake Followers
An analysis of Omid Scobie’s Twitter feed clearly shows that a large proportion of his followers are a bit like himself: FAKE.
When he’s not bragging about wearing Balenciaga, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior or sharing photos of his dog, Yoshi, on his Instagram account, the ‘Finding Freedom’ author constantly bangs on about how he believes the royal family to have racist elements. His speculation is rarely supported by anything other than unnamed sources that give his suggestions little to no credibility.
Meghan Markle Markus Anderson Omid Scobie Prince Harry
Markus Anderson with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and her mother, Doria Ragland.
Canadian waiter turned Soho House director Markus Anderson was allegedly the person to have introduced Prince Harry and the then Meghan Markle. This “champagne partial” individual has been repeatedly linked also to Omid Scobie online on sites such as Quora whilst the site ‘Royal Analysis’ has reported: “Well, apparently, Omid and Markus used to be very close. I don’t think it’s out of the question for Markus to have facilitated Meghan and Omid getting together to strategize about what positive press coverage Omid could give to Meghan.”
Nikolay Kalinin
Nikolay Kalininhttp://thesteepletimes.com
Nikolay Kalinin is a blogger who has been writing articles published on the automotive site ‘DriveTribe’ since July 2020. Previously, he ran his own blog about politics and culture in Russia.


  1. Is he trying to make himself look like Meghan? If so, he’s succeeding. He doesn’t succeed at much else and last night’s ITV documentary proved that. He should shut his trap – he has nothing useful to contribute. Paid for piffle.

      • Lol! This article is so spot on. He will block you from his Twitter page if you call him out on his tweets. In my opinion and I have right to say this he shows no invaluable traits of a true journalist & commentary person such
        as other reporters.

  2. Do NOT send him or his Sheila the Duchess of Dodge Down Under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not desire having to birch either of their bottoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom feeding scum —- insulting the Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lock them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lock them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • As for un-rounded wannabe ‘Royal commentator’ don’t worry Rod I should not think that he is ever likely to go down-under! Plastic surgery to look like Saint Borat seems extreme to me [Nikolay], he could have just shaved the tash off surely. Compliments to the Colonies and thanks for your comments (and to Nikolay for the usual good writing).

  3. Markus Anderson plainly has been hidden away. He knows too, too much about Meghan and she needed him silenced. Like her dad, she cannot have her past exposed. She has too much to lose. How many husband’s have you really had Meg? Two, NO! Three, MORE LIKELY!

  4. Scobie seems fairly inane to me. Harmless. Not sure why he is worthy of a hatchet job to be honest.

  5. Omid is the only person on the planet who does as Meghan tells him other than her Jim Jonesed husband.

  6. Perhaps when Meghan and Harry divorce she should choose your old favourite James Stunt as her next husband. They would be an ideal union – both self-absorbed and self-serving and dodgy and deviant.

  7. Omid is a real journalist. He is crusading for a cause and he will not allow the mainstream bullies like Piers Morgan and you attack Meghan. The Duchess has done the right thing and is taking on the establishment evil.

    • Wonder who are the evil ones, Omid Scobies or Megan Markle. Both I would say, one is leaking here and there as told by the other one.
      Megan had hit the jackpot of bagging Harry, too greed a social climber to be satisfied. Downwards for both of them.
      Only fool can’t see what both are up to.

      • Both Omid and Markle are bullies, he bullies people online for his puppet master and allows Sussexsquad to bully people on his Twitter account yet if you say something negative about markle he blocks you, he is just scum

    • Yep. A real journalist. Oh wait,that should be REEL. I know this is an older article but,couldn’t help but respond. Just wanted to correct the spelling. The a in real << should be an E. Anywho,good comic relief.

    • Take off your rose tinted glasses. I, like many others, could see the attitude of Ms. Markle – so called actress – a very short time after her initial appearance. Go back and look more closely at her high and mighty attitude and crocodile tears. Used to feel sorry for Harry but not any more. What a disgrace of a book and waste of paper and ink !!!!. Love to know how he managed to get through the American system enabling him the right to live there. What a farce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Have been a Royalist all my life and, unfortunately, that no longer includes Harry. He will wake up soon when she divorces him as she has what she wanted.
      Margaret Spink

  8. I find Omid very attractive. I would like to date him. Can anyone help arrange this? He would be my ideal pet.

    • I totally agree with you there. He and his crew continually harass people for stating their opinions, yet it’s fine for Scobie and the like to say whatever they feel like.

  9. Omid is a good bloke and plainly being kind to the underdog. Why this negativity? Thought you backed underdogs.

    • How Jamie does a jobbing, waning, divorced E-Flick actress morphing herself into marrying the only real Prince on the planet worth having and securing fractional billion-dollar contracts via outright lies, treachery and internally indulged and authored fanciful construct’s which precipitate her into becoming the total attention point of the entire world make her the under-dog. Supporting incitefully and thoughtfully the truly done-down I am sure remains of great importance to this and another famous organ.

  10. Omid Scobie clearly is a psycho dedicated to Meghan to make himself moolah. He needs sectioning for his own safety. His father should be ashamed of himself and as for the botox clinic that serviced him, they should be shut down for crimes against faces. He looked far better before – as do most who play with plastic.

  11. Scabies is just like Cruella his boss. He is deviant and disgusting. As for the children of Meggy, they were surrogates I think. Harry probably is impotent anyway. Ginge and cringe cannot have produced. Sick all of them.

  12. His father is from Cardiff, so certainly not Scottish….ironic that Scobie with his Welsh background is so fixated on Wally!

  13. Yankee Wally is a national treasure. They don’t like her because she is too inciteful, determined, astute, streetwise and savvy for them. The Palace is investigating whatever it feels it needs to investigate in forensic detail, and The Queen is not stupid. Who does that to two elderly people? Especially to two almost 100-year-olds, and one on his deathbed. Team Y.W. all the way.

  14. This Scobie Character is obviously trying to be as outrageous as possible so he can be famous for being famous, just like the Kardashians.
    He looks like he’s trying to imitate Michael Jackson with that boat race.
    It would probably be better if he buggered off to California, along with the other two, and where the real plastic is made. He would fit in a treat with those looks.

  15. One correction: OS was born in Wales to a Welsh father (nationality also confirmed) & Iranian mother according to the England & Wales Registry of Births, Death’s & Marriages. No Scottish connection although this never gets corrected in print!! Family moved to Oxfordshire later.

  16. Markle is a mid range, unconscious narcissist. They are excellent at putting on the water works. But don’t actually FEEL it. Their brains are incapable of love, empathy, remorse. They are built for war, jealously, creating confusion, CONTROL, chaos. These two are of the same yolk.

  17. I do loathe Scobie and hope he meets a (metaphorically) sticky end. However, I’m pretty disgusted with Yankee Wally calling him a “bloody foreigner” and reckon he has every right to be furious. I am British with a Middle Eastern father, so I am as “foreign” as Scobie. Let’s hold him to account for his “work” alone rather than demonise him for defending himself from racist attacks.

    • I too am Middle Eastern but smart enough to know when the British use the adverb “bloody” it’s not meant as a derogatory term and wasn’t to be taken so personally. And anyone who knows Yankee Wally would know the term wasn’t said to offend. The cancel culture of today are too wound-up and eager to suppress freedom of speech instead of understanding the real meaning behind the message.

  18. This is a fabulous article. You’ve stated a lot of the truths that Scobie likes to try to hide.
    Excellent job Nickolay!

  19. Scabies is a horrible dishonest person! He is a nobody pretending to be a somebody just like bully Meghan and her trolls who think it is nice to bully a 7 year old child! He knows NOTHING about the royal family who would not give him ice in winter! He does not even look like himself anymore! Lies lies lies! Between him and Meghan they could fill a book on “How many Lies can one person tell!” Urgh! Yuk!

    • Bring Yankee Wally Back! The Sussexes and the Scobie dude are nothing but deplorable, despicable and disgraceful grifters.

  20. Do you know much about his history as a “royal reporter” before Meghan entered the scene? Out of morbid curiosity and research interest, I managed to get ahold of the Funding Freedom book without having to donate a penny to the scabious one, and note that in the Prologue he goes on in an obnoxious (to me) manner about how “for years” he has “closely followed” the RF and travelled with PW, Catherine and H. He cites “many” trips he took and private confidences from #6 about his unhappiness w. royal life. Is this all/ partly true, or what? If so, for what publications did he work??

    • Scobie is a freelancer for US Harpers Bazaar “on the young royals’. It reads like he gets all his info from the Royal Events Diary and wraps a few sentences round the diary entries, for his little royals column. He seems to be a well heeled posh boy, as his home office pic reveals it to be a room decorated like a 1950s Palace interior… but too much gilt to be real. 2 lamps, 2 sofas, 2 persian rugs, 2 chandeliers and a throne for a chair. Weird.

  21. Yankee Wally provides a great service. Her views are always interesting. We should support her. A big ‘thankyou’ to The Steeple Times for this article.

  22. Scobie is just like one of the mean girls in school. He isn’t very bright, as you can see by the ridiculous book “Funding Foundations”. Of course, it is of my believe, that Harry’s first wife wrote this fawning book filled with an excessive amount of grammatical errors with her puppet,j Scobie.

    Scobie is not a Royal Reporter. He came from SoHo with the wife and his other bestie, Markus. I doubt the real Royals will let Scobie anywhere near any of their Royal Engagements. He should move to Cali with The Harkles and Markus, although that may interfere with the dynamics.

    I just can’t imagine a grown man going after a disabled woman in her 60’s. Nor, is she the only one. YankeeWally is such a good and kind soul. I listen to her videos just before bed because they always leave me with laughter. She makes me feel as if I have known her for years. Scobie not only doxxed her, but posted it for the other mean unpopular girl trolls.to retweet as they saw fit. They are a hate group. No logical reasoning…just vile, uneducated, mostly very young girls who sadly, give their last few dollars to the latest faux charity scam put out by their faux duchess. #WeLoveYankeeWally #The Steeple Times

  23. Come off it lads and lassies.
    You know full well the little shit is an AI droid.
    He is NOT Rachel’s blow-up doll.
    Gee Zeus Wept.

  24. Scobie seems to have lightened his skin as he is deathly pale. Not how he looked. naturally working for heat with brown skin. The hypocrisy of him and his plastic face calling out the RF for a ‘conversation’ about the childs colouring which is natural curious question for a child born to different race parents.

  25. Can’t believe ABC News is using this muck spreader as their expert on the Queens death & funeral, new King etc.

    How dare he when his is still causing trouble and spreading lies in the press about the royals.

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