Author Kirby Sommers asks: “Who’s afraid of Ghislaine Maxwell?”
One of the passages I’ve often quoted in some of my books has been from a New York Times article dated January 11, 1996 written by Christopher Mason. The article describes Leslie Wexner’s New York City mansion down to the “lead lined bathroom.” It reads, in part:
“Visitors described a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath a sink.”
In this article, Mason adds:
“When asked how long Mr. Wexner had occupied the property, Jeffrey Epstein, his protégé and one of his financial advisors, replied, ‘Les never spent more than two months there.”
After a couple more paragraphs, with details about the house, Mason adds that he reached Mr. Epstein in Florida who told him the house was now his. It is worth noting that throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s Jeffrey Epstein was listed in the public phone books as Edward Epstein. Add to this that Epstein was extremely secretive and didn’t speak to journalists unless it was pre-arranged by one of his public relations people.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered Christopher Mason who wrote the New York Times article is also Ghislaine Maxwell’s “friend”. Mason states he met Maxwell in 1989—having been introduced by “mutual friends.” Did Maxwell play the role of PR person for Epstein too? It’s a fair question that no one to date has asked.
In 1993 Maxwell hired Mason to write what is arguably the creepiest poem ever for Jeffrey Epstein’s 40th birthday. It goes like this:
Poor Jeffrey Epstein is 40, oy vey!
Life must be tough his hair is already so gray
He sure looks older but it’s clear from his smile
The older he gets, the more juvenile
Ghislaine is lavishing him with her affections
She claims he has 24-hour erections
Sounds like he’s busy, now ain’t that berserk
How does he find the time to get off to work
He wakes when the cock crows while everyone slumbers
He rivals Einstein when crunching those numbers
He taught at Dalton: the naughty boy blushes
To think of schoolgirls and all of their crushes.
Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of infamous thief and alleged Mossad spy, Robert Maxwell, has been incarcerated at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Correction Facility in Brooklyn, New York since July 2, 2020. She has been charged with grooming minor girls for the deceased pedophile and rapist Jeffrey Epstein. Her trial is scheduled to begin on November 29, 2021.
Mason, however, is not the only mainstream media journalist who has been caught as being friends with the alleged Madam. Vicky Ward, a former Vanity Fair writer, was outed after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest in the summer of 2019. Who outed her: yours truly. Here’s one of my many tweets attempting to bring attention to their connection:

However, Maria Farmer, who worked with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and who gave an interview to Ward for Vanity Fair (which was never printed) has also been sounding the warning bell about Ward’s connection to Maxwell.
There are more. Many, many more.
Barry Diller, Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC (InterActiveCorp), owns The Daily Beast. He was a board member of Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar non-profit which was quickly shuttered in July 2019 — less than one week after Epstein’s arrest on sex trafficking charges. Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, sits on the IAC’s Board of Directors. She has been heavily criticized for having been paid $9 million by IAC. There are more connections through Diller’s wife—fashion maven Diane Von Furstenberg. Her son, Prince Alexander von Furstenberg, from her first marriage to Prince Egon von Furstenberg (a banker and interior designer) in the now infamous “Jeffrey Epstein black book.”
There are more mainstream media connections—frankly, too many to cover in one article. Suffice, to ask, however: “Who’s afraid of Ghislaine Maxwell?” Seems the answer is everyone.
Sex abuse survivor and advocate Kirby Sommers is the author of Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography. To order it, click here.
In America we have news that is FAKE…MANY
TO COME AND WORK FOR HIM….putting this with sensitivity ….THIS IS TRUTH
IF YOU…WANT TO PUBLISH…try to stay unbiased
I can’t wait for this trial, and see what comes out of the closet.
HRH’s lawyers will be working overtime to distance him from any future disclosures, although I think his public life is over.
I’m quite sure if she is offered a plea deal to name a few people in her little black book, she will spill the beans.
Part of her sentence should be forfeiture of all her assets she has stashed away, and given to her victims.
I also can’t understand why her lawyers keep pushing for bail, I’m sure if it was granted, she would never make her appointed court date, there are too many big names sweating on what she might reveal..
The plea deal for Epstein was provided by Bush( DOJ officials including DAG/A CNN article of July 15 2019 leads the way to a full expose.Not revealing this means your inclusion in the concealment
Are you aware Vicky Ward wrote an entire book about her friendship with Ghislain…? Hardly murky is it
that’s how she got her interview with Epstein… Thought it was common knowledge at this point. Did i miss something?