Gamblers are the winners and losers of Scotland’s independence referendum
Whilst Great Britain was undoubtedly the winner when the result of Scotland’s independence referendum came in at 6am on Friday, there were other clear winners and losers. United as gamblers, the first comes in the form of a punter who bet £900,000 on a ‘no’ vote whilst the second are the EuroMillions winners Colin and Christine Weir –who foolishly handed some £4,000,000 to Alex Salmond’s disastrous campaign.

The unidentified London businessman who placed the £900,000 bet will no doubt be delighted this morning as he will now collect £1,093,333.33 from bookmakers William Hill. Of it and before the result, William Hill spokesman Graham Sharpe commented:
“This adds up to the biggest bet of the century on any subject with us – and almost certainly with any bookmaker. This man is confident, if not entirely convinced, that his gamble will pay off – in fact, he has called it an ‘investment’. He isn’t yet sure how or where he will discover the outcome of the referendum”.
Though we’d have been delighted to have joined this man as he celebrated, we certainly wouldn’t want to have been sat at the breakfast table of Colin and Christine Weir on Friday morning. Whilst their punt on the lottery certainly paid off, betting on Salmond is, no doubt, something they’ll now come to regret.
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Will this ghastly couple leave Scotland now? I do hope so. Shame on them.