As Rolf Harris abandons his appeal, it is now time to move forward with investigations into other cases of historical abuse
We were amongst the first in the UK to name Rolf Harris when he was accused of sexual offences and now we are pleased to report that he appears to have finally accepted his guilt in abandoning his attempt to appeal his sentence.

On Monday, a Judicial Office spokesman confirmed that Harris had not renewed his application to appeal and confirmed “he is now out of time”. On this basis, we would suggest that the supporters of Harris – who potentially now also faces fresh charges after other alleged victims came forward – who have bombarded The Steeple Times with missives supporting the disgraced entertainer should now take note. It is time to accept this monster for what he truly is.
Separately, as Exaro News and The Mirror continue to lead the way in reporting on alleged historical abuse by “VIP paedophiles”, it has now been revealed that Buckingham Palace has been drawn into the scandal. Whilst courageous MPs such as Zac Goldsmith and Simon Danczuk have been prepared to demand inquiries be undertaken, it is now time that more senior politicians intervened.
Despite botching her choice to head an inquiry twice already, the Home Secretary is still in a position to do the right thing. Theresa May needs to appoint a strong minded and impartial individual who is prepared to listen and she needs to do so swiftly. It is essential that those who conducted abuse are brought to justice and it is imperative that this is done before it is too late.
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