Friday, March 14, 2025

Angry Assange


Julian Assange expresses his anger against the British government


Today, in an interview with The Mail on Sunday, Julian Assange expressed his anger that he has been denied what he sees as his human rights by the British government. This arrogant individual – who imposed himself upon the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge in June 2012 – has no right to complain: he chose this course of action and it is time he accepted that.


Julian Assange with Sarah Oliver
Julian Assange with Sarah Oliver

In the interview, conducted by Sarah Oliver, Assange rants:


“Why are they burning £240,000 a month on me which could be better spent on hospital beds, meals for the needy or teachers’ salaries? The Metropolitan Police Service has now spent in excess of £7 million on guarding the embassy, which is a ridiculous waste of taxpayers’ money”.


He is right but the solution is simple. The bail skipper Julian Assange should walk out into Hans Crescent and hand himself in. He has nothing to fear from the proper course of justice and it is time he faced it.



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    The Steeple Times
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    1. In the words of Cherie Blair “Britain is decent and civilised society, we will uphold the human rights of criminals regardless of their character or nature of their crime, at any cost. So the cost is still a bargain, we don’t mind paying. Carry on Assange….

    2. Well I do mind paying. Assange is an arrogant, self-obsessed, narcissistic bore and the sooner he is extradited to Sweden the better to face very serious rape charges. If found not guilty they should ship him back here to face charges for jumping bail and leaving some people suckered in the lurch. A vile speciman.

      • We have a duty of care to meet all Assange’s basic human needs. The cheap scate Ecuadorian Embassy lacks exercise and association facilities. The poor fucker is bored out of his mind, he stands the risk of depression and very low mood, he might even consider self harm. We as a compassionate and caring nation would not want that on our conscience. The entire 3rd world wants to come to Britain…….because we are so nice and generous with the taxpayers purse…….

    3. A coward glorified by ignorant credulous pseudo freedom advocates
      It is mindboggling that such cost has been unduly imposed to the british taxpayer and he has not been chucked out of the country , he should have been sent to Australia at the first place and let his country deal with it

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