Rebekah Brooks looks set to return to the fold
Few expected Rebekah Brooks and her husband to be acquitted in June but now it looks set to be the couple who have the last laugh. News that Mrs Brooks has spent the week at the headquarters of News Corp in New York this week is telling and that a spokesman confirmed that she had meetings “with businesses as she explores and considers her professional future” illustrates just how much faith Rupert Murdoch still has in her.

Now cleared of a conspiracy charge, Mrs Brooks received total payouts of some £16 million – including the legal fees for her no doubt extremely costly defence – in the wake of her resignation in 2011. Now, if all goes as we expect, her 83-year old billionaire former boss and friend Rupert Murdoch will give her what sources have called a “high level job” within his empire and yet again her wealth will rocket.
Rebekah Brooks has done extremely well for a girl who started out from humble beginnings in Warrington. Those who mocked her as a Lady Macbeth-like figure and those who expected her to fall back to the scrapheap are the ones who will now have to eat humble pie. This eternal survivor is a phoenix who is again rising from the ashes.
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Brooks was never going to lose out, she knew too much about too many people. Pajamas parties with Blair and the establishment, with a little help from her friends, nothing bad was ever going to happen to her. Any which way but lose……..
Why would anyone want her back? Murdoch has lost his marbles. Mind you so has his daughter. She got rid of a Freud and daddy is taking back a (C)rook.