It is time to make St George’s Day a public holiday
The Irish enjoy a national holiday for St Patrick’s Day and the Scottish celebrate St Andrew’s Day. Today, 23rd April, is St George’s Day and it is time we, the English, marked it properly.

As part of the efforts to celebrate the day, a campaign named ‘Ringing for England’ was launched four years ago by a lady named Libby Alexander. Of it, Alexander commented:
“It is a campaign to create an event that will unite the whole country in celebrating St George by getting 44,000 ringers to ring 200,000 bells out from 14,000 churches across the land on 23rd April every year. It is not political and not necessarily religious focused. It is really about anyone, of any age, who is or feels English to go out and be comfortable in celebrating the country’s Patron Saint as most other countries do. Ringing bells is an ancient musical genre specific to England and rung from towers that fly the St George’s Cross. It seemed apt to choose such a theme to help the people of England take a greater interest and pride in their country”.
Alexander is right. It is time to make St George’s Day a public holiday in England.
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