Sunday, March 9, 2025

Monster of the Moment – John Goodier (AKA ‘Claire Goodier’)

Trans paedophile turned deviant dog abuser Claire Goodier deservedly jailed for having group sex with an Alsatian whilst high on cocaine; the case echoes that of the 2017 conviction of the perverted pensioner Carol Bowditch – a woman with a ‘passion’ for St Bernards

In April 2017, The Steeple Times featured the story of the much deserved “humiliation” of a perverted pensioner from Evedon, Lincolnshire named Carol Bowditch after she was caught having penetrative vaginal sex with a St Bernard, a black Labrador and an Alsatian.


In September 2019, we followed up with the story of another dog rapist, the exotically monikered Hansel Marion DeBartolo III (AKA ‘Sexy Vegan’), after this self-professed “vegan messiah” followed up an appearance on the Dr Phil show with an online video in which he disgustingly “performed an act of bestiality” on a pit bull terrier. His shocked mother unsurprsingly responded: “[He’s] a sociopathic piece of crap.”


Now, this morning, with the MailOnline reporting on the case of a 60-year-old “paedophile who identifies as female” being jailed for 20 months for having group sex in Bournemouth with an Alsatian we can complete what quite frankly is one of the twisted trios humanity must ever have come across.


Reported on by a journalist named Dan Sales for the paper, the repugnantly revolting actions of John Goodier – whom “was listed under a male name but with a note added to be addressed in the hearing as Claire” – were set out before Chester Crown Court at sentencing yesterday before the “sobbing” sodomite was sent down.


Convicted of possessing indecent images of children in 2006 and 2009, this serial offender had previously been “astonishingly lucky” to avoid jail in the past according to Judge Steven Everett, but was yesterday condemned as “despicable, disgusting and depraved.”


In July 2019, according to prosecutor Paulinus Barnes, a routine check by police on Goodier’s home due to her being on the sex offenders’ register for life, resulted in the discovered of a laptop containing 31 indecent images of sex acts with an Alsatian breed of dog.


Of these, Mr Barnes remarked:


“She admitted possession of the images. She said she had fantasised about it for a number of years and after talking about it with people in Northwich, was put in touch with others in Bournemouth. She travelled down there in December 2018 and took part in the sex act with other people and the Alsatian dog.”


Summing up and not accepting Goodier’s laughable defence that she was “frank and honest” and working towards an “improvement in her attitude and approach,” Judge Everett slammed this clearly insane individual’s vile actions. Of her, he concluded:


“You are a long, long way from changing your life. You deceitfully took part in a cocaine-fuelled incident with other persons.”


“Since the terrible offence took place you kept the images unashamedly for your own sexual gratification.”


“In the middle of all this, you failed to comply with the terms of an order, which some might say is a minor breach, but it’s not for the first time.”


“Your record is appalling and it could be said you were astonishingly lucky not to go to prison previously. A message must go out that if you commit such disgusting behaviour then you must go to prison.”


Though a clearly anything but remorseful Goodier will now serve 20 months, be subject to a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and yet again be forced to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register, no mention was made of the fate of the poor, buggered Alsatian or what had been done about the equally sadistic others that took part in the Bournemouth incident.


John Goodier dog abuser
According to the ‘MailOnline’: “A Sexual Harm Prevention Order is under [Goodier’s] new name, but it is not clear whether she will serve time in [a] men’s or [a] women’s prison.” Frankly, however, what truly matters is that this repugnant specimen is kept well away from the guard dogs of any prison she is held in.
Carol Bowditch dog abuser
On conviction for having penetrative vaginal and oral sex with a St Bernard, a black Labrador and an Alsatian in April 2017, when she was surprisingly spared jail, Carol Bowditch ludicrously declared: “I was unaware it was illegal.” She was given a community order with 12 months supervision and a 16-week night-time curfew” by Judge Michael Heath. Of her, he quite rationally concluded: “I am told that you have received public humiliation as a result of the publicity that this case has attracted. That does not surprise me.”
Hansel Marion DeBartolo III Sexy Vegan Dr Phil dog abuser
Californian freak with a desire to be president Hansel Marion DeBartolo III (AKA ‘Sexy Vegan’) is known for appearing on the ‘Dr Phil’ show. He’s also known for comparing himself to an “exotic Lamborghini SV” and filming himself raping dogs. He once declared: “Do what you do as long as you are not harming anyone, animals and insects too,” but clearly did not apply such a sentiment to his own sexual antics. He should be kept away from zoos and pet shops forever.
In July 2018, Isaac Butterfield told his 1.75 million followers on YouTube that he thought ‘Sexy Vegan’ was “skinny, loud and obnoxious.” He went on to add of this self-declared “vegan messiah”: “Please don’t f**king procreate ever!” We join the countless millions echoing these sentiments and suggest instead that Hansel Marion DeBartolo III be locked up for the safety of himself (and innocent animals everywhere).
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. … so often Matthew your fine organ uniquely teases comment out of me: This will be of necessity be so censored [within square brackets] that it may loose a bit of traction.

    I employed a super chap once whose previous employer worked for [UK Nationally known figure] as his main job. His father was editor of [American National Publication] and his wife’s mother was Fashion Editor of [another American National Publication]. Apparently the uber-uber-executives are a very small clique in Manhattan and they mostly know and mix with each other. One of their number was a single woman in her late forties whom they found difficult to match-make with. She was very important and ran about the biggest American utility/service going [you would know the name instantly].

    On her birthday about the whole of Manhattan society got her Penthouse keys and let themselves in then hiding in a side room. They heard her come in and then shout ‘here Rover’. They waited a few minutes and then burst in screaming ‘surprise’ to find her stark-bollock naked with peanut butter strategically about her person and with the Alsatian’s paw’s all taped up. She left town the next day and has not been heard of since.

    Bon Noel.

      • ……nay indeed, and due to the sheep increasingly thoughtfully bolting at the sound of zips the habit of kilt wearing is creeping south I hear.

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