Katie Hopkins causes yet more offence
Katie Hopkins is plainly on a publicity drive. Last week she caused offence by stating that she wouldn’t allow her children near any named Chardonnay, Charmaine or Tyler and today, she sparked further controversy by suggesting that the alcoholic ex-footballer Paul Gascoigne should “crack on” with drinking as “he’s enjoying himself”.

Hopkins, who herself was photographed romping with very little on in a field with a married man, made the remarks whilst on Matthew Wright’s Wright Stuff Channel 5 show. On air, she also reaffirmed her view that “ginger babies are harder to love” and argued the case that “suicidal prisoners should just kill themselves”.
Naturally many took to Twitter to attack this fruitcake. They are quite right but in doing so they just give her what she wants and further her fame. The only thing that should be done to Hopkins is to tell her to “crack off”.
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I think she’s terrific ! She’s not afraid to speak her mind on the most un-PC of subjects and many must agree with her in silence for her to continue to be invited on the telly. On some things she says, I also agree!. She’s hugely entertaining – a breath of fresh air.. Bring it on Katie !
My late Father Meiscke Paddaman was un-PC too, but a fat lot of good it did him. He made his fortune in the manure trade. He had a swanky mansion in a very affluent neighbourhood. He went to introduce himself to a new neighbour that had recently moved into the property next door.
He introduced himself politely and said, “do you see my house, six bedrooms, Six bathrooms, four bathrooms are on suite, and there is a crapper in every bedroom”, “I paid cash for it. Look at my motorcars, top of the range, You know what, “I paid spot cash for it” I only work in cash.
My business philosophy is cash only.
“Who the hell are you, if I might ask”, my father said.
The neighbour said, “My name is George Howey, from the Office of the Receiver of Revenue”.
My father said “Is that so, It is a funny thing, but if you go around the neighbourhood and ask about me, folks will tell you that I am the biggest bull shitter in town”. He never spoke his mind again.
yeah if you like sociopaths.
Katie hopkins is so ugly. anyone who defends her is as mental as she is. she dosen’t deserve her children.