Friday, March 7, 2025

Give Up Ghislaine

After Ghislaine Maxwell has had bail denied FIVE times and last week lost a bid to dismiss sex trafficking indictment, she would do best to give up and seek a plea bargain

Most people, when in a hole, realise the folly of their ways and eventually stop digging, but the grubby alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell is certainly far from most people.


A one-time ‘bestie’ of aristocracy, dynastic tycoons, politicians and royalty, this mucky madam has now failed in all five of her attempts to get bail. This is hardly surprising given she has been deemed a flight risk due to having multi-millions in assets, has been known to use pseudonyms to hide her identity and possesses multiple passports.


Last week, making matters worse and no doubt yet again annoying the US district judge presiding over her case, mucky madam Maxwell attempted and failed to get the case against her dismissed on the basis of the recent overturning of Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction.


Justifying why this was quite rightly kicked out, ABC News reported: “Judge Nathan said Ms Maxwell had not been promised she would not be prosecuted, as the Supreme Court said Mr Cosby had been.”


“The judge also rejected Ms Maxwell’s arguments that prosecutors waited too long to charge her with sex trafficking between 2001 and 2004, saying the US Congress’s 2006 elimination of the statute of limitations applied retroactively.”


“Lawyers for Ms Maxwell said her case was similar because she had been immunised under Epstein’s 2007 non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors in Florida, in exchange for pleading guilty to Florida state prostitution charges.”


“Ms Maxwell had testified in a since-settled [for an undisclosed sum] £36 million ($50 million) civil lawsuit against her by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, and the lawyers said it was unfair for prosecutors to use that testimony to build their criminal case.”


“But Judge Nathan said the cases were not the same, and adhered to her April ruling that Epstein’s agreement did not bind the Manhattan prosecutors or cover accused co-conspirators.”


“Mr Cosby’s case ‘focused on whether prosecutors were required to honour a promise the court found to be clear in the absence of a formal plea agreement,’ Judge Nathan wrote.”


“’Even if this court agreed with the analysis in [Mr Cosby’s case], that opinion sheds no light on the proper interpretation of the NPA in this case,’ she added.


Elsewhere, making matters even worse, meddling Maxwell – whom The Mail on Sunday today revealed has sold her Kinnerton Street, Belgravia mews house for £1.75 million ($2.4 million) to a “Hampshire-based property developer” Stuart Robinson with the help of the disgraced solicitor Malcolm Grumbridge – stuck her oar into the pending civil case against Prince Andrew in September.


Offering to give evidence on the royal’s behalf might seem to some as a generous act of continued friendship, but in fact it is of utterly no help at all to the stupidly silent Duke of York. Maxwell, facing trial herself in November is anything but a useful defence asset for him, really should keep her oar out and if she had any sense she’d stop getting the likes of Brian Basham and Jay Beecher from peddling nonsense and focus on saving herself from an 80-year sentence by just seeking a plea bargain. Like father, like daughter, given this stubborn woman’s past performance and arrogance, of course, she won’t.


Pictured top: Deviant daughter of ‘Bouncing Czech’ Robert Maxwell grinning like a Cheshire cat at her then home with his holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa in June 2014.


Ghislaine Maxwell family
The Maxwell family have enlisted the pompous PR peddler Brian Basham and the extremist publication ‘Politicalite’ contributor Jay Beecher as part of her efforts. Pictured here with her pension plundering, spy father and brother, the family have also focused their efforts on spreading nonsense about the case through their ridiculous website.
Robert Maxwell on daughter
Pension plundering spy Robert Maxwell tellingly once announced: “I have a beautiful daughter and she’s just like me.” Quoted in Kirby Sommers’ detailed new examination of the mucky madam – ‘Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography’ – this quote sums up exactly why the ‘Bouncing Czech’ named his gin palace after her and it is exactly why this wicked woman morphed from socialite to the dark side of being a mucky madam for the thankfully now croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
44 Kinnerton Street
The ‘bathtub bonk pad’ formerly owned by Ghislaine Maxwell – 66 Kinnerton Street, Belgravia, London, SW1X 8ES – has been sold, with the assistance of shamed ex-solicitor Malcolm Grumbridge, to financier and property developer Stuart Alec Robinson of Belmore House, Belmore Park, Belmore Lane, Upham, Hampshire, S032 1HQ.
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. So many things in The States utterly puzzle me. If it is not actually to keep society constantly on the back foot and struggling thereby being unlikely to actually challenge the order of the Cartelist’s world that certainly controls utterly everything there why is it that a sprained ankle will likely bankrupt an average chap in The USA. A friend of mine was billed $400 for the 50 foot push whilst in his wheelchair by an orderly! If actually The Constitution were properly read it would be seen that the ‘right to carry arms’ was in fact originally gifted to ‘the militia’ not every crazy and unstable born-again lunatic that seems to think now that they have a God given right to walk around tooled up like Rambo. No wonder a week does not go by without some ridiculous carnage being reported over there. One could go on and on citing the fiscal and scientific distortions that occur to maintain dominance and milking by the few. Their ‘law’ system certainly has earned it’s place in this society of curiosities and doubtless to the very great cost and fatality of many. This ‘plea deal’ culture that Matthew kindly reports upon leaves me utterly baffled – it’s everywhere in their processes and has allowed so much evil to basically get away with it. Call me old fashioned but if a crime has been committed surely it is there to be atoned too not a nine in ten chance that it can be avoided by stealth or convenience of others. Epstein’s very wrong and odd result from greasing this dodgy plea tool (and then even distorting sense further by having it also ‘somehow’ apply to everyone else around him) is of course a corrupt nonsense but surely even that surrealistic land must contain itself to specific events [crimes] and specific people at specific times. It does not license him or any of them outside of, or varied from, that and it certainly similarly does not pave the way for cries of Estoppel now. Anyway given that it is everywhere over there I certainly agree that she should seek it or face the odd system and Judges self-survival radar giving her three hundred and something years or similar soppy-ness that they are so partial to.

    • I don’t actually think this wicked woman – who has already settled with Virginia Giuffre in a civil suit thus providing proof of her wickedness – should get away with her alleged crimes via a plea bargain, but if she had any logic she’d go for such. She clearly doesn’t and she’s clearly exactly like her dodgy, deviant daddy: Sick in the head.

      • Quite so indeed Matthew. There exists and existed a totally almost Canute type of haughty removal from personal responsibility and consequences. Did you hear that during one of his (and his political handlers) pension re-direction enterprises; and whilst doubtless fluffed up by thinking his recent acquisition of The Mirror made him a Press Baron, he [Daddy Maxwell] walked unexpectedly into his throne room and found a lad sitting at his desk with his feet up. He arrogantly barked at the youth ‘how much do you earn’ to which he replied ‘£30,000′. Maxwell promptly got his checkbook out, wrote him a cheque for £30k and told him to get out of the building never to return’. The youth thanked him very much and continued to explain on exit that actually he was a reporter for The Sun come to inquire as to events at Pergamon.

  2. I’m quite sure, as the trial gets closer, she will strike some sort of deal, it’s a no brainer, even for this bimbo.
    She’s obviously being advised not to do that, and wait it out.
    Who knows, she may become a target if she decides to spill the beans, like Epstein’s accidental suicide.
    One quick question, how the hell does she still possess multiple passports? surely these would have been revoked by the relevant countries involved, wouldn’t they?

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