Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hero of the Hour – Stephen Jones


Courageous Mancunian homeless man, whose actions after the Manchester Arena terror attack were rightly lauded heroic, to get new home


Many tales of compassion have come out of this week’s Manchester bomb blast, but one that is especially captivating is that of Stephen Jones, a homeless man who rushed to help the injured and dying.


Mr Jones, 35, courageously pulled nails and bits of glass out of a little girl’s face, but, when approached by the Mail Online, modestly commented: “People are saying I’m a hero, but I’m not – I’m just a person”.


He added:


“There were people in suits who are meant to be the pillars of society who were walking over dead children. Us homeless guys, we get slagged off all the time over this, that and the other.  But we were the first ones in there to help”.


The owners of West Ham, businessman David Sullivan and his son, Dave Jnr, on hearing of Jones’ selfless actions took to Twitter in an effort to locate Jones. On finding him, they offered to rent him a house for six months “to help him get on his feet”.


Though a nasty minority questioned his actions, a crowdfunding campaign to support Mr Jones has now raised nearly £30,000. This thoroughly decent gent deserves every penny and he is worthy of the support of each and every one of us.


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  1. A truly decent man. He deserves all the help in the world to get himself back on the straight and narrow. Those being cruel about him should wash their mouthes out with soap and water.

    • maybe now the homeless might get respect they need, you can tell when someone is proper homeless, they have manners, allways say thank you, me and my boyfriend the sat and sunday before the bomb in manchester found a really ill man on the stairwell of a block of flats, been sleeping in a bin shoot, we gave him some clothes, and made him drinks and food, and was so gratefull, and polite, he sleeps rough in manchester, his mate ex army, (who sleeps rough) this shouldnt be happening, i think more should be done for them now, funding shelters, talking to them, help find them homes, and maybe getting jobs for them, cos i bet you what bet they put a proper days work in,

  2. #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews How did this man get to be there? It was a concert —– he’d have had to pay an entry fee —— Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies Lie, lies, lies —– #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews #fakenews

    • One of your more disgusting posts Rod and with no scrap of remorse for victims. The story is how it was. He was close by and probably lucky to be unhurt as was another homeless man inside asking for money and both ran to help before first responders got there, when most people were running for their lives. They could not know if another bomb would go off. You try walking into such a terrible scene, you would not do it.

      • how can you reply in the way you just have, more like if you would run away, and how can you say lies, people dont wana hear your comments, and instead of using dodge, put your proper name, about time people gave more thought about the homeless, and maybe if there wasnt so many muslins being brought over maybe homes could be given to them,so shut ur mouth, you piece of sh*t, and have more respect. OK gobshite

    • Rod,if you knew my home city you would know that homeless people congregate around the Arena regularly when there is an event on. I used to find your posts on here ridiculous and attention seeking,but harmless. However,with this you have crossed the line. Mr Jones is a hero who ran to help in the most appalling circumstances when many would have fled in the opposite direction. Shame on you.

    • Rod, I doubt you read comments people make to, but I’d just like to let you know that the explosion was widely reported to be at one of the exits after the show ended, and he was there to beg for money as people left the concert.
      Yes he’s a beggar, and yes he helped.

    • they sleep rough, and doesnt matter where he was he helped people who was injured, and if you ever go into manchester at night you would see, all that matters is he helped, he dint ask for any publicity, or told anyone what he did, unlike some, anything to get noticed, someone put on twitter they wanted to get hold of him, so before you write all your crap on here, read first and show some respect, wot is it a homeless man gets some respect for what he done, tell you what not many people would of stayed and helped but he did, so shut the fu*k up, with ur comments. you pri*k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • how many parents got killed picking there family up, they dint pay, dunt matter where he was or wasnt he helped ok, and untill you get ur facts right shut ur mouth, and so a bomb goes off and you really think he would get stopped going in to help, i dont think the bomber paid as well cos it was at the doorway, did you go school,

  3. I am slightly torn here, I’m sure the man did attempt to help wherever possible but much like Ben Furnival I do find the ‘men in suits stepping over injured children’ possibly a little too contrived? He would possibly have been able to enter had the doors had been blown off of the building (or opened for the imminent egress of the crowds?), but it does sound as if it may have been a little ’embellished’?

    Rod, on the other hand, should possibly be expurgated once and for all after his inane comment. Quite what gratification he derives from these idiotic posts eludes me. I don’t know why he remains on this forum to be frank (though of course we all need someone to dislike occasionally)

  4. Rodders, you twit (I wanted to change that vowel to an ‘a’ but good breeding prevented me). The bomb was OUTSIDE the concert arena. He didn’t have to pay to get inside. That’s why the two mothers who were waiting outside for their children to leave were killed.
    Get a grip, get a life, get a pair of spectacles, Rod, and stop annoying us all.

    • Well I’m more than happy to change that for you Margaret.
      Rod you are a TWAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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