Jimmy Tarbuck arrest revealed
In an “exclusive”, the Mail Online have revealed that the comedian Jimmy Tarbuck OBE was arrested on the 26th April in connection with allegations of an alleged sexual assault on a young boy in Harrogate, North Yorkshire in the 1970s.

At the time, North Yorkshire Police chose not to release any information about the arrest or bailing of 73-year old Liverpool born comic. This move will spark further analysis of the police’s procedure of “secret arrests” in relation to allegations against high profile individuals.
When confronted today by the Mail Online, Mr Tarbuck, who was convicted of the theft of a cigarette holder belonging to fellow comedian Terry-Thomas in 1960 and sentenced to two years probation, responded: “I am not commenting on this. You need to speak to my solicitor”.
As “Tarby” himself would say: “Boom-boom” – Who on earth is next?
The thing is, these show biz people, arrested so far, have been continually in public eye since “event” happened, 40 plus years ago. Where as a politician or business man, may never have been in media, either then or since, so much more difficult for charges. Abused may not have even know name of this category of abuser.