Donald Trump takes to Facebook to modestly claim that he will become President of the United States of America
Wannabe President of the United States of America Donald Trump can be relied upon to make stupid remarks but now it seems he does actually believe that he can win.
On Monday, Trump took to Facebook to share his belief in his campaign and announced:
“I’m leading by big margins in every poll but the press keeps asking, would you ever get out? They are just troublemakers, I’m going to win!”
Modest as ever, Trump attracted over 15,000 comments in response. Whilst the majority came from his supporters, one from someone named Terri Raymond spoke volumes. It read: “Oh my gracious. The human race really is de-evolving. I am terribly afraid of having a sexist, racist, mean spirited moron making decisions for this country”. Another, Robyn Diaz, added: “The self pats on the back and the how great I am needs to slow down. Let’s focus on what is really important and that isn’t how great you think you are”.
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