Friday, March 14, 2025

Nigel Farage: ‘Man of the Elite’


Nigel Farage joins the elite and moves to a large period property in Chelsea, London


Until recently Nigel Farage claimed he was the leader of the “people’s army”. He presented himself as a man living in a “small semi-detached house in the country” and someone who had “no regrets about being poor”. He targeted working class voters, sought out the “ordinary man” and championed bringing down the “elite”.


This pint-loving politician, it now transpires, has now taken up residence in a large period house in Elystan Street, Chelsea. Situated next door to My Hotel Chelsea, the white painted property is “owned by a businessman” according to the Mail on Sunday. Mr Farage is allegedly using it as his weekday “bolthole”, the paper adds, but does not declare if he is paying rent.


Spotted recently dining at upmarket eatery Bibendum – accompanied by four burly security guards – also, Farage is as entitled to make money and live the high life as much as the next man. In doing so, however, he can no longer claim to be a ‘Man of the People’. Instead, it’s time billionaire Donald Trump’s new ‘British Best Friend’ admitted what he now is: Meet Nigel Farage – ‘Man of the Elite’.


The Steeple Times
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  1. What a total non story!
    He is either renting the house or it’s a loan from a supporter. No different to Grosvenor lending a flat to Lord Tebbit.
    I have met Farage on a couple of occasions. I consider myself a very good judge of my fellow man.
    Farage has given up his life to fight for a cause he deeply believes in.
    I notice, Matthew, that you don’t criticise your pal, Nigel Evans for his Brexit views?
    In age when we sneer at politicians for being duplicitous Farage is a man who believes in a cause. A shame other politicians don’t hold the same values.
    The EU is a curse: the sooner we are out the better. We give peerage’s to every type of lowlife yet this man, who has changed the course of British history is treated with insolence by nonentities.

    • Wrong regarding Nigel Evans – I have repeatedly told Nigel Evans on his Facebook page what I think about Brexit and that I do not agree with him. There is no need for an article on him individually as it would have utterly no relevance.

      Nigel Farage is not someone I support and I totally disagree with you about him being elevated to anything.

    • Why shouldn’t nigel live there its central and suits his cause it’s not as if he spends that much time there anyway hrs to busy working to sit home watch TV and get the games console out

  2. It would rent for at least £2,500 per week. He either has a very generous backer or something is amiss.

    • He has many rich backers who support his ideals.
      Lord Tebbit benefits from the generosity of the Grosvenor family. Do you see anything wrong with that? I am sure L. Tebbit, a great admirer of Farage would not.

    • According to Zoopla the monthly rent for this little pied a terre is about £13,000 a month.

  3. The man who MADE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN should be given Buckingham Palace or 10 Downing Street!!!!!!!!!!! He shouldn’t be sent to live in this hovel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I live around the corner. I do hope to encounter him in the local newsagent. He better show his support for local business as a resident given his Little Englander mentality. I bet he won’t.

    • Why this tedious, naive and idiotic assumption that anyone who disagrees with membership of the EU is some sort of Little Englander. You need to use your brain.
      Many of those who voted to leave love Europe and have friends and links to Europe. I have a house in France, my ex wife is French and my son is half French.
      I speak French and love the French.
      I have deep friendships with people in every European country. And many of those, especially in SW France have the same jaundiced view of a failing bureaucratic experiment run by a drunk.
      Engage your brain instead of coming out with a trite and silly comment. Ironically, Farage knows and loves France exceedingly well!

  5. I agree with the top comment. Why single out Farage? I like his straight talking and I think him the most honest politician around right now in the UK. Who wouldn’t want to live in a house like that for free? He comes across as very likeable, charismatic, fun and absolutely not boring. Of himself he is known for being quite noisy, ballsy,unafraid of the limelight and good at selling things. Fair assumption I think.

    • “Honest”? You are delusional. He is a self-serving prick. “Likeable” – No. He’s ghastly and self-serving. “Charismatic” – No. He is a fantasist. “Fun” – No. He’s a buffoon. Really, Julie Randall, you’ve lost the plot.

      • Matthew
        Dishonesty? Examples. please
        Likeable? You say no. So, you are arrogant enough to suppose that we should accept your estimation of his likeability?
        Self-serving? Your evidence please
        Fantasist? Example, please.
        Fun? On the couple of occasions I met him I found a man bereft of pomposity and with a dry and ironic wit.
        Look, Matthew. You don’t like the man….fine….but have you ever sat down and had a serious discussion with a man who has given up a major portion of his life to a cause he believes in. Or, maybe you don’t believe in someone having principled causes?
        For 40 years, since my founding membership of the Anti Common Market League I have known that the end result would be a federated Europe….that’s not something I want.

  6. Let’s hear it for Julie and Peter , (let’s all forget Rod…) Matthew surely the point about being an editor is to spark debate not to be so obviously biased on so many subjects, Nigel makes our lives so much more interesting as does Trump, you may not agree with their politics but at least give them credit for being ballsy, courageous and true to their word; they’re doing and saying what so many wish they could do themselves, but are too scared to put their heads above the parapet .

    • We continually offer a right to reply and would publish pro-UKIP articles if any were submitted and logical. Just as with the anti-Crossrail in Chelsea fans, nothing is ever forthcoming as these people simply prefer to criticise me and others for our strength of opinion and open support for what we believe in.

    • I’ll say this of Steeples: He allows us all to comment on what he publishes and even though the majority of what he writes is s**t, he lets us argue against him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that’s quite fair!!!!!!!!!!!!! But its time to MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT AGAIN, time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and time to MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Farage for PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The reports in the papers the other day suggested that he’s either lending it to a French politician or sharing it with her. I don’t care about what he does in his private life, but I do find this ironic – given that he has built a career on appealing to the xenophobic masses, including standing in front of infamous anti-immigration posters. And let’s not forget that the wife, whom he may or may not be estranged from, is German. He really is like satire brought to life.

    On another note, Farage has never been ‘a man of the people’. Don’t forget that this is the same person who attended the exclusive Dulwich College before going on to work in the City.

    Why he is getting so much praise from the Brexiters is beyond me, since he had little or nothing to do with the actual referendum. It was David Cameron who put forward the referendum…and then basically buggered off, leaving Darth Vader to deal with the aftermath.

    The other thing I noted about Farage is that he spent so much time moaning and complaining about the EU – but made little or no effort to effect changes as an MEP. Case in point: he was on the board of the Fisheries Commission, but only bothered turning up to 1 out of 42 meetings. Contrast that with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who actually got off his behind, started a campaign, and got unfair EU fishing regulations changed.

    All Farage has ever been is a ‘bandwagon-jumper’. Shame that so few people can see it.

    • I would hardly describe Dulwich as ‘exclusive’ but I suppose some with somewhat lowered standards might.

      • So you think that a selective school that costs up to £13,160 per term can only be described as ‘exclusive’ by some with ‘lowered standards’? I hope you expressed your condolences to Farage when you met him that his poor parents could not afford to give him a better education.

        • Ella dear, it’s a minor public school….Winchester is an exclusive public school as one needs brains to get in. OK?

          • Oh, my goodness! You’re in for a shock if you discover one day that most of the UK population send their children to places called state schools, which don’t have entrance exams at all.
            Dear Old Petey-Wheaty, it’s time for you to go into that EMI care home.

  8. But perhaps a veneer is unnecessary when you have friends in such high places as Mr Farage now does, following Mr Trump’s election as the next American President.

  9. According to Zoopla the monthly rent for this little pied a terre is about £13,000 a month.

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