Theresa May has a perfect right to go to church but why can’t she worship privately?
Week after week, every Sunday, Theresa May appears outside her local church. She is photographed with her garden gnome-like husband and often even a dog.
That Britain’s most incompetent leader ever chooses to believe in the Anglican faith is entirely her right, but that she rams this down the nation’s throat every Sunday is frankly grating. It is time that Mrs May realised that this country, in fact, is now a multi-faith society and it is time that she learnt to respect that.
Elsewhere, talk of a coup to oust the out-of-control Mrs May is gaining momentum. This is hardly surprising given this vicar’s daughter’s true uselessness, but that such talk united contributors to the Daily Mail and The Guardian over the weekend is telling. It’s time the Conservative Party got its act into gear and it’s time to #MakeFebruaryTheEndOfMay.
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WTF is wrong with you Steeples??????????????? Teresa May is MAKING GREAT BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN and she’s implementing Brexit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get behind her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d get behind all right!
Nice Doggie
I admire her faith very much.
She is useless, but the likely alternatives are way worse – the likes of Johnson, Mogg and Gove. Do we really want these psychos in charge of our country.
I’m glad it’s an orange she’s giving the dog and not an apple. Lol
Woof woof
Iv’e always said, politics and religion should never be mixed, and shouldn’t that mutt be on a lead, the dog I mean.
Also she’s looking a bit Ruff ruff this morning.