Friday, March 7, 2025

More Money For Operation Grange – Is ‘Missing’ Madeleine McCann Search To Get Top-Up On £14m Already Wasted?

As a girl brought up in Poland goes on ‘Dr Phil’ to claim to be Madeleine McCann, why is Operation Grange likely to receive a top-up on the £14 million already wasted? Why not help fund the search for other missing people instead?

A Twitter poll still running by The Steeple Times’s Matthew Steeples this morning stands at around 95% in favour of the Home Office ending funding to Operation Grange – the investigation into the ‘disappearance’ of Madeleine McCann.


Established on 12th May 2011 after the daughter of doctors Gerry and Kate McCann went missing in Praia da Luz, Portugal on 3rd May 2007 aged just three years old, the Metropolitan Police Specialist Crime Command unit ‘investigative review’ became an ‘investigation’ subsequently.


Funded to the tune of the astonishing sum of nigh on £14 million to date in spite of finding nada, nowt, nothing, the Daily Mail’s Elizabeth Haigh this morning shockingly claimed: “Police probing disappearance of Madeleine McCann ‘are set to get hundreds of thousands of pounds in new funding.’”


Going further, Haigh added:


“A significant sum has been requested by the Met Police and is likely to be approved by the Home Office, The Sun reports.”


“Each year hundreds of thousands of pounds are spent on attempts to find her… A source close to the ongoing investigation last night said her parents would be ‘delighted’ with the news. The source said: ‘This is excellent news. Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry will be delighted. It gives fresh hope.’ There had been fears the probe into the toddler’s case could be cut back amid budget cuts.”


At a time when the general public are enduring poverty, food banks and struggling due to the cost of living crisis, this is frankly outrageous and turning to such, former Metropolitan Police detective Peter Bleksley was quite rightly quoted as stating:


“As long as there are unanswered questions I can see why there is a case. But, in this time of squeezed budgets, I can also see why eyebrows would be raised. I understand the frustrations of missing children who do not have the luxury of such ongoing funding.”’


Elsewhere this weekend, a woman claiming to be the ‘disappeared without a trace’ now 19-year-old has appeared on the American talk show Dr Phil to claim: “I believe I’m Madeleine McCann.”


Julia Wendell – a young lady brought up in Poland andgenerally assumed to have – “really believes” she could be Kate and Gerry’s McCann’s “long-lost child after recognising Kate McCann’s voice,” according to LBC.


Miss Wendell – who is being bizarrely aided by a medium and private investigator named Dr Fia Johansson – is “currently awaiting the results of a genetic test and submitted three DNA samples and a genetic test, which will help determine her ancestry.” She stated:


“A lot of you ask why Kate and Gerry are not involved. There is no need. Madeleine McCann’s DNA is already there. They don’t need to get involved with media press.”


“I want to say something to Kate McCann: I listened to a song that you sang to your daughter Madeleine. When I hear your voice – from movies, from interviews – I feel like I really know this voice, your voice. I really believe that I could be Madeleine.”


Miss Wendell “wants to be part of the [McCann] family;” God help her.


Editor’s Note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples.


Pictured Top – ‘Missing’ Madeleine McCann (left) and Julia Wendell, a girl from Poland, who is currently claiming to be the ‘missing’ child.


This morning on Twitter, Matthew Steeples asked: “Is Home Office justified in even considering giving Operation Grange further funding on top of £14m already wasted on search for ‘missing’ Madeleine McCann? Shouldn’t £££ go towards searching for other missing people instead?” As of 11:30am on Monday 27th March 2023, over 90% of respondents unsurprisingly favoured the answer: “Yes; fund finding others.” The Metropolitan Police and Home Office should, but likely won’t pay attention.
Missing still yet little to no police resources for their cases… Ben Needham disappeared in Kos, Greece on the 24th July 1991 aged 1 and his mother gets little help for her search; Martin Allen disappeared in London on 5th November 1979 aged 15 and though his brother, Kevin, keeps the case in the public eye as much as he can, he gets little to no help from the Metropolitan Police. Why won’t the police consider reallocating resources away from Operation Grange towards the search for other missing people? £14 million has been wasted for nothing, after all. What are they hiding?
A sense of priorities… Madeleine McCann on a tennis court prior to her ‘disappearance’ in May 2007 and her parents out running near the resort she ‘disappeared’ in the days after her ‘disappearance.’
Living-it-up… Gerry McCann enjoying a round of golf (left); Kate McCann at Downing Street, London hobnobbing with Missing People CEO Martin Houghton-Brown, the Duchess of Gloucester and the then Home Secretary Theresa May on 23rd May 2012 (right).
Brown nosing with a ragbag of rotten rubbish… Amongst those to have supported the McCanns have been especially gobby attention seekers including job wrecker Sir Richard Branson, “Chanel-clad” charity begins at home tin banger Baroness (Catherine) Meyer and her pompous arsehole late ex-husband Sir Christopher Meyer and job wrecking grabber Sir Philip Green.
In 2009, private investigators for Gerry and Kate McCann issued an E-FIT to the media of a woman they believed could be “potentially significant” to their investigation. She has never been found, but, speculation online (entirely unproven as accurate thus far) has regularly included: “She looks remarkably like Ghislaine Maxwell.” There is no suggestion that this is one and the same woman, but it would be ever so helpful if the convicted nonce sex trafficker Miss Maxwell came forward and cleared this up for once and for all.
Pictured above: Since croaked paedophile Sir Clement Freud (right) lunched with Gerry (left) and Kate McCann in Praia da Luz in Portugal in July 2007, two months after their daughter’s disappearance. Mrs McCann later praised the risotto as “the best she’d ever tasted.” Pictured below: Ghislaine Maxwell pictured at the launch of a book about Sir Clement’s brother, Lucian, titled ‘Breakfast With Lucian’ in 2013 by Geordie Greig. Also in the image are Nicholas Coleridge, Piers Morgan, an unknown child, Geordie Greig and Ariadne Calvo-Platero.
In December 2017, when £11 million of British taxpayers’ money had been spent towards the search for ‘missing’ Madeleine McCann, 86% of viewers of ITV1’s ‘Loose Women’ said the public purse should cease to fund the investigation. Now, in January 2023, with that sum now well in excess of £14 million (aside from the millions in private money also), it is time to allocate resources to the search for missing people who actually can be found, we would suggest. Shouldn’t 2023, when many suffer because of the cost-of-living crisis, be the time that this pointless waste of funds finally ends?

Missing Madeleine – Questions STILL without Answers… £14 million wasted on Operation Grange… Why continue? Why waste more? Why not help others?

Many questions about what happened on the evening of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann remain. Some that have been highlighted by the press and discussed online include:


  • Why did Kate McCann refuse to answer 48 questions put to her by the Portuguese police?


  • Why were certain records of phone calls on the evening of the disappearance “whoosh-clunked” from the memories of the phones of Mr and Mrs McCann and the ‘Tapas 7’?


  • Why were relevant mobile phone records never handed over to the authorities in spite of them potentially being useful to the search?


  • Why did the couple not use the babysitting service on offer in the holiday resort on the evening of 3rd May 2007 when they went out on the razzle dazzle with friends?


  • Why was the door to the apartment – which opened directly onto a public highway – left unlocked with three children aged under three years old alone inside?


  • Why did a British sniffer dog sense the smell of a corpse in a cupboard in the apartment from which Madeleine McCann disappeared?


  • Why did a sniffer dog also supposedly sense the smell of a corpse in a vehicle hired by the couple a month after the disappearance of their daughter?


  • Why did the McCanns repeatedly try to discredit the work of the sniffer dogs and their handlers?




  • Why have the McCanns attempted to ‘gag’ anyone who disputes their version of events – most especially Gonçalo Amaral?


  • Why, given over £14 million has been spent on this search to date, has nobody come forward with any sighting of ‘missing’ Madeleine McCann given the very, very substantial rewards on offer?


Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. This might have been touched on here but,in case it hasn’t. There is a YouTube video of American profiler Pat Brown & she is being interviewed by a British journalist. Pat says it does not fit the profile of an abduction..Not sure how but it is from.march16th 2017 & is titled ,this “Madeleine McCann was not abducted”.

  2. MM’s parents should face neglect charges at the very least ! Damn disgusting how much money they make from this tragedy. They have much to answer for but sadly I don’t see justice ever happening.

  3. As Matthew remarked, there are other priorities than finding out who killed Maddie. Well, we know, just can’t prove it. Let’s move on.

    There are more UK food banks (sounds so much better than soup kitchens, doesn’t it?) than McDonald’s stores. Something wrong there. Let’s tackle the problems of the living, not waste money on the vanity projects for the dead.

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