The “plight” of Pamela Burbery
The Steeple Times picture of the week has to be of Pamela Burbery, a pensioner from Birmingham.

Photographed for an article in the Daily Mail, this 76-year old told of how she feels like she’s “under siege” after a school was built at the end of her garden.
In typical whingeing Brit mode, Burbery stated:
“I’ve worked it out that I won’t even be able to make a cup of tea without being watched… My home will be like a goldfish bowl with nowhere to hide… I haven’t been in my garden for 12 months and it’s not going to change now.”
Deborah Carpenter, Burbery’s daughter, had to chip in as well:
“We’re just nothing to the council, it’s a joke how people can be treated like this. They just sit there shrugging their shoulders. It’s absolutely disgusting what can be done to a 76-year-old woman. The council should have bought my mum’s house under a compulsory purchase order.”
Who do this pair think they are? When soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and countries verge on bankruptcy, could the Daily Mail not have found something more worthy to write about? It plainly was a bad news day but the tortured face of this moaning old bag was just too good not to share.
Read more about Pamela Burbery at:
Why do you have to be so nasty, Matthew? I bet you’d be the biggest NIMBY if they built a school overlooking Steeples’ Castle…
I don’t consider this “nasty” at all. Schools have to be built somewhere and this woman probably got her house on the cheap because it was next to a piece of land that she knew would eventually be built upon. Her whingeing is pathetic and that she went to the Daily Mail with it sums up what is wrong with her. Her non-story is utterly ludicrous and as for me being a NIMBY, I back the Boris Island idea and also the runway at Heathrow. No NIMBY would back me in that regard.
Igo Hustay is obviously oblivioius to the fact that those of us who wish to lead a normal life without extra stress gave up this rag years ago as it was so depressing and continues in that vain. Once you have broken the addiction of this daily dose you will find that your day will brighten and that life will take on a different meaning. Try, and see the difference. Let’s not waste our time commenting on such drivel wrapped with such insignificance. Have a great happy day!
I can understand the woman being a bit peeved but there are people up and down the country already living next door to a school. I wouldn’t much like it myself but, looking on the bright side, evenings and weekends should be quiet! Even if some of the school’s facilities are available for community use in the evenings, the noise level will be nothing compared to the din of a school playground at lunchtime.
I can’t believe this even appeared in a national newspaper.