The plight of Somerset’s ‘King Canute’ Sam Notaro sums up how bad flooding in the UK is
The arrogance of government ministers about flooding and the many victims who’ve been underwater since December has been surprising but our Picture of the Week is what truly sums up the mess so many are in.

A builder named Sam Notaro took four years to construct a “dream home” at Moorland in Somerset. He planned its location on the basis of where the highest point that floodwater had ever reached but the recent deluge has conquered even that.
Images of Notaro’s 4-bedroomed home, Dyers Farm, show it now to be an island in the midst of an ocean of flood water. This father of two, despite initial Environment Agency attempts to stop him, has built a dam around the property and become the local ‘King Canute’. This determined man – whose only real complaint to the Daily Mail’s Robert Hardman was about his increasingly soggy socks – is to be congratulated for his efforts. Lord Smith should take note.
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Why did he build it so close to a flood plain? Who allowed this house to be built? Planning officials should be fired.
I agree Eric but you have to admire his attempts to save it. Hope it works for him.
Since records began that part of levels hasn’t flooded in two years. He choose the highest spot and the environment agency would allow him to build it any higher.