Does a fugitive have the right to sun?
Ecuador’s foreign minister Richard Patino has called for his country’s enforced guest, Julian Assange, to be allowed the right to sunbathe and have a bit of “intimacy”. Instead, he would do well to do the decent thing by telling him to hand himself in.

Mr Patino, who will have been in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for exactly one year on 19th June 2013, told the Evening Standard:
“We believe he has a fundamental right to sunbathe. His right to intimacy, mobility, a normal life and health is being restricted”.
“I will be asking the British government to allow Mr Assange to sunbathe and enjoy the warm weather and sunshine because unfortunately, at this moment in time, he hasn’t been able to do so for a year”.
Patino has a point however. If Assange won’t go to Sweden, can’t someone just put him on a boat to the sunnier climes of Australia?
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“Under the European Human Rights Charter” he has the right to keep a pet.
He must consult Cherie Blair’s Law Chambers without delay.
Cherie Blair’s firm of Human Rights Lawyers will advise him on his rights and privileges as a criminal.