Our thoughts on the £10.8 million payout to Rebekah Brooks
Rebekah Brooks is a lady who is variously described as looking like Lady Macbeth and Merida, the animated hero of Pixar’s Brave.

Brooks is of working class extraction but rose to find herself in the company of the likes of Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Matthew Freud and Jeremy Clarkson. At her peak she was the editor of one of the biggest newspapers in the country and had David Cameron on speed dial. This chameleon like lady’s rise was meteoric but her fall was just as dramatic.
This week, Brooks has been attacked over the £10.852 million payoff she received from News Corporation. We don’t see what all the fuss is about. She is not the only villain in the scandal of phone hacking. It is wrong to singlehandedly blame her and turning her into the sole scapegoat of the piece is just a malicious distraction. We’d much rather see Piers Morgan and Alan Rusbridger were brought to book.
Billy Wilder’s screenplay adaption of “Front Page” (1974) was based on the exploits of a Chicago Examiner reporter. The idea appealed to Wilder, a newspaper man in his younger days, who recalled, “A reporter was a glamorous fellow in those days, the way he wore a hat and raincoat, and with a swagger, and had his camaraderie with fellow reporters, local police, always hot on the tail of tips from them, and from the frindges of the underworld. What has changed?
Piers Morgan makes his money the old fashioned way, he steals it.
The Brilliance of Piers Morgan. He informs Americans that both the Bible and American Constitution are inherently flawed and need to be amened. The same (mobile phone hacker) Piers Morgan who shamed his own country as editor of the Daily Mirror. His anti-gun lobby in America is equally ridiculous, and not well thought out.
The majority of criminals hunt for easy prey, criminals know unarmed citizens are easy prey.
Piers Morgan and the Liberal anti-gun lobby want law-abiding citizens to be sitting ducks for the criminal elements in society.
Piers Morgan and the rich and famous Liberal elite live in heavy guarded and gated communities. “I am alright Jack” is their motto.
Protection of law-abiding citizens from crime is more important than protecting the civil liberties of criminals.
How can Liberals claim empathy for victims of crime when they defend the rights of criminals.
The Liberal World View makes no sense, it is very twisted. So is Piers Morgan.