As Theresa May is compared to a Womble, we take a look at some other comparisons that could be made to a woman who believes in “red, white and blue Brexit”
Aside from being criticised for spending vast sums on leather trousers, Theresa May often sports Vivienne Westwood tartan numbers. Inevitably, her personal style is either lauded or mocked and here below we select a number of examples of what she’s been compared to as well as a number of her more curious personal moments.

Mrs May did the right thing grabbing Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Together they’ll MAKE BOTH THEIR COUNTRIES GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be locked up for mocking this fine lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She needs a trip to a decent retailer. Emilia Wickstead could sort her out.
I don’t need my Prime Minister to be sartorially fabulous. I want him or her to be a good PM. Whether you think Mrs May is one is for another whole debate. I’d rather have her making peculiar faces and wearing the odd fashion disaster (er, what’s wrong with tartan, chaps?) than being Tony Bliar, not a typo, in bespoke suits ANY TIME
Remember this: “Your PM” is the woman who as Home Sec presided over:
1. The failed £100m abuse inquiry. 4 judges, no justice for victims.
2. £12m to McCann duo. No result. Nothing to other missing kids.
3. Closing police stations.
4. Closing fire stations.
You celebrate that? And she did plenty else too… You plainly have a warped sense of what is a “good PM”.
I don’t know what you look like Mr Steeples, but I imagine there are photographs in which you appear in a less than flattering light.
It is spiteful of you to be so horrid to Mrs May. I am sorry to have to say, you are not a gentleman.
Sorry, you missed my point, Matthew. I absolutely didn’t say she was a good PM. You get judged on the facts for being a good PM or not (in her case so far – not). My point was you don’t get judged by your dress sense. It detracts from the serious issues if you do that. (Mind you, was clearly in sanctimonious mood when I wrote my comment).
Oh, and to talk about one of the issues you mention when Mrs May was Home Sec. I couldn’t agree more. It totally disgusts me that the abuse enquiry has been so ineffectual, and it’s APPALLING that there hasn’t been much condemnation of its lack of success in the press. An insult to all those victims….
Matthew has a point about her record as Home Secretary but we need to move on.
English woman are not expected to waste a great deal of time on their clothes: in fact, it’s regarded as being a bit common to be obsessed about clothes and food.
May has inherited the toughest of jobs and I think she will do a good job of getting us out of the EU in good fettle.
How can one take seriously an organisation whose ‘chief executive’ clearly has a serious alcohol problem.
And, don’t quote back Churchill. Druncker’s only claim to fame is having been PM of a mini, tax evading country called Luxembourg.
Anyway, thank god we are off before Albania joins…50% Islamist and the scariest gangsters in Europe!
Agree with that last comment 100%