Friday, March 14, 2025

Trumping Livingstone


Has Ken Livingstone become Britain’s answer to Donald Trump?


Father of five Ken Livingstone would no doubt hate the comparison but, putting him in perspective, he’s rather like a British version of the American father of five Donald Trump.


When Ken Livingstone doesn’t like what is said about him, he terms it “incredible lies”; Donald Trump, by comparison, prefers to reference such reporting: “Fake news!” Whereas Livingstone claims to have “no interest in managing [his] financial affairs”, Trump simply refuses to release details of his income. Here, in the form a reptile loving socialist and a four times bankrupt billionaire, are two bombastic politicians with not a care for books and history and here are two loudmouths who respectively suggest: “My only regret is the media’s obsession with the past” and that they believe themselves to be the “Ernest Hemmingway of 140 characters”.


Yesterday, whilst Trump decided to ridiculously try to blame President Obama for a gas attack in Syria, Livingstone – a man prone to pushing journalists over walls and accusing hedge funds donating to Labour being akin to “Jimmy Savile funding a children’s group” (in spite of taking £8,000 from a hedge fund himself) – managed to avoid being expelled from the Labour party in spite of being deemed to have brought the party into disrepute over remarks about Zionism, Hitler and anti-semitism.


That “anti-politician politician” Livingstone, like “anti-politician, real persona” Trump, has been able to get off scot-free speaks volumes. It is time such men were brought to book and it is time their ability to avoid being held accountable for their truly offensive views came to an end.


The Steeple Times
The Steeple Times
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  1. What an interesting comparison. I’d never have put them in the same boat before reading this but you are right. Both of them are extremists, both of them upset the apple cart and both of them are, as you remark, father’s of five.

  2. Fake news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s right………. That’s what you’re doing………………… You’re giving credence to fake news about the lies about Donald Trump who is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shameful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It is not fake news Rod. You have a spineless President who fails to respond , and a spineless Labour Party. Trump will drag USA down to impotence and the Labour Party is already there. That will not make either party great again .

    • You plainly are not aware that Livingstone’s interest is in all sorts of reptiles actually (according to interviews).

      • This zoological discussion is the most sensible comment I’ve yet to read on the Livingstone affair. What does he say about Terrapins?

  4. I have no great love for Livingstone – but I have noticed a certain pattern here.
    Any time anyone dares to raise the slightest criticism of Israel, they immediately get slapped down as ‘anti-semites’.

    Unless of course, the critics are Jewish themselves – in which case they get branded as ‘self-hating Jews’.

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