The spoof of Nick Clegg apologising hits the iTunes charts
“I’d like to take this opportunity to put things straight,” began the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, this week when he attempted to say sorry for breaking his party’s election pledge on tuition fees.
Such a stunt was inevitably going to be controversial and equally opened Clegg to taunts from his opponents and the public in general. I am sure, however, the Liberal Democrat leader did not expect that an adapted version of his speech would enter the Top 40 hits of the week in the iTunes charts or that he’d find himself challenging the likes of Kanye West, The Killers and Carly Rae Jepsen for the top spot.

Turned into a ditty little song named: “The Nick Clegg Apology Song: I’m Sorry (The Autotune Remix)” by parody site The Poke, Clegg cleverly realized the political capital in embracing the two-and-a-half minute video and gave permission for it to be released. He did so on the basis that all profits go to the Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, of which his wife Miriam is a patron, and now appears to be benefitting from the publicity during the key time of his party’s annual conference.
A spokesman for The Poke commented:
“Nick Clegg has been very good-humoured about this. He has become the first politician in history to achieve a position in the pop charts for making an apology. The Poke is staggered by its success.”
A spokesman for Mr Clegg added: ’It’s good news that the Sheffield Children’s Hospital will be the ones to benefit from the song getting into the charts.”
Whilst Clegg’s days at Number 10 may hopefully be numbered, perhaps a career in the pop business beckons. For that reason, we make it The Steeple Times Video of the Week.
Watch the full video at:
Read The Poke, whose motto is “Time well wasted,” at: