Friday, March 14, 2025

Wally of the Week – Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring


Neighbour-from-hell Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring steps up her campaign to annoy her neighbours in Kensington


Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring is the ultimate neighbour from hell: If she ran a hotel, she’d be Basil Fawlty; if she were in business she’d be Donald Trump.


Lisle-Mainwaring became infamous in 2013 after she sought planning permission to construct a “mega-basement” underneath a house she’d purchased at 19 South End, a cul-de-sac in Kensington, W8 in 2012. A series of applications, approvals and appeals followed and after the case reached the High Court of Justice in February 2015, Mrs Lisle Mainwaring – who currently lives in what the Evening Standard describes as “a grand apartment in Switzerland” – decided to festoon her property with red and white stripes “to get her own back on neighbours who objected to her plans”.


Wally of the Week – Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring – 19 South End, Kensington, London, W8 5BU – Red and white striped house – Planning dispute
Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring is plainly a lady with little interest in being a good neighbour
Wally of the Week – Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring – 19 South End, Kensington, London, W8 5BU – Red and white striped house – Planning dispute
Before Mrs Lisle-Mainwaring came along 19 South End blended perfectly well with its neighbours


Adjoining a house offered for £12.75 million in 2010, Lisle-Mainwaring’s three storey, terraced property – which is allegedly worth £15 million but is recorded as having been sold for just £1.3 million in 2010 and £575,000 in 1997 – was formerly a 4,154 square foot office building and on Tuesday, the Evening Standard reported that she now has secured permission to demolish it. According to the report, the Geneva based woman – whose own stepson, Robert Lisle, told the Daily Express that she is “so rude, in fact the rudest person I’ve ever met” in April 2015 – has spent over £1 million in legal fees to date but has only managed to remove asbestos and strip out the interior of 19 South End thus far.


Mrs Lisle-Mainwaring now faces yet more battles ahead: She cannot actually level the building until she gets a party wall agreement from the owners of two adjoining buildings and an attempt to accuse the Daily Mail of harassing her when they photographed her with a coat over her face failed this month also. For these reasons, we make this ridiculously bad neighbour our Wally of the Week. It is time to take pity on anybody who finds Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring next door.



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    1. This woman likes to play the media: First she hides under a coat and complains about intrusion from the Daily Mail and then she appears in the Evening Standard dressed like some aged wannabe sex-bomb. This greedy old hag should be in a home at 71, not plaguing her neighbours trying to build a mega mansion that she doesn’t even need. Her own stepson doesn’t even like her and her neighbours loathe her. Nobody will be coming to stay and nobody will be round for supper. This pariah should go back to tax exile land and hang out with the Swiss.

    2. She is a disgrace who thinks she can exploit the system. Good on her neighbours for standing up to her.

      • are you mad? she has the same rights as anyone else, and should claim that the president was set by her neighbour who has the same development that she wants, we have building laws that should be stuck to no matter who, what ,where

        • Indeed she has the same rights as anybody else, and she used those rights.
          Just because a decision was made by the local planning authority not to allow the works she wanted, she spits the dummy.
          She should accept the decision and go away, not festoon her house in strips, and cause angst with her neighbours.
          She is acting like a typical spoilt brat with money, who thinks they can exploit the system, and doesn’t have to abide by the laws of the land. If I had my way, I would issue her with a massive fine for being a public nuisance,and general pain in the arse.

    3. I can’t believe this can happen, who the hell is she ********** with at the local council or planning dept?
      How does something like this get planning permission? I’m astounded.
      As for the red and white stripes, that surely has to be illegal, I know here it wouldn’t get past first base.
      People like her make me furious, who, just because they’re loaded, think they can exploit the system, then when they can’t get their own way, spit the dummy.
      If it wasn’t such a magnificent building, I would suggest to her neighbors, a little accidental arson was in order.

    4. She previously caused havoc doing similar things in Yeoman’s Row, Knightsbridge. The woman’s a ******* nuisance. People like her make me support BREXIT. Ban her from Britain.

    5. You people are so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The building is ugly and she is going to replace it with something modern and beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The neighbours should shut the **** up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs Whatever Her Name Is has sent in the wrecking ball and I salute her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest of you – ROD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. It’s her house. She should be allowed to do what she wants to it. It is hardly Downton Abbey after bloody all!

    7. Why is she wasting money on this when she could be supporting the Find Madeleine campaign? Poor dear Gerry and Kate McCann are about to lose the funding for the investigation to find their daughter and this rich woman could help. Instead she is wasting money on this big house that she doesn’t need and Steeples Times is wasting time writing about her. Why don’t you all do the right thing and help FIND MADELEINE, FIND HER NOW.

      • I was wondering when you would come out of the woodwork again, why don’t you get a life, stupid woman. We are discussing a lunatic who wants to wreck a wonderful piece of British architecture, and doesn’t give a stuff about anybody else, Not missing persons.
        If I lived in that street, I would make her life bloody hell.

      • I just wanted to let you know Trott that every time you popped up on here I donated cash in your name to Snr Amaral’s legal fund. He’s going to take your ‘Dear Gerry and Kate’ to the cleaners and that money,donated in your name will enable him to do just that. You should give yourself a pat on the back!

      • I am not off looking for a blue tennis bag of bones, and/or coughing up money to pay the mortgage of a couple who ******************************************************** as Eddie and Keela indicated. I’ll wait, and buy and read Goncalos book when it comes out in the UK. I guess the Find Madeleine Limited Company will be another thing to be stuffed.


    8. Arrogance gets you nowhere and her stepson speaks for us all. I live in the same street. She got the building on the cheap and now her profiteering plans have backfired. Well done to The Steeple Times for highlighting what other papers haven’t about Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring.

    9. There are two sides to every story. She admits she probably shouldn’t have painted the provocative stripes but the neighbours are likely moaning without good reason. The building needs to be redeveloped and I hope she now gets their cooperation.

    10. STEEPLE TIMES is degenerating into a looneybin.

      It’s a real glimpse of bedlam when mad women like Zipporah Lisle-Mainwaring are featured and fellow inmates like the deranged Trott and the imbecilic, illiterate Jones peddle their repetitive, vacuous agendas.

      As both these dolts obviously lack a vocabulary, lack any sense of style or imagination. They should ponder on this:

      • I beg to differ: The issue of iceberg homes is of great interest to readers given the havoc they have caused in K&C and elsewhere but what also interested me is that Lisle-Mainwaring is now seeking out publicity and doing photoshoots just a few days after trying to get the ridiculous press regulator IPSOS to protect her from photographers from the Mail Online. She is a hypocrite and rightly our Wally of the Week.

    11. I think this lady is entitled to paint her house striped if it’s within the law.

      Despite what people say she is troublesome….if she’s within her rights so be it”

      Also her neighbour the south African gentleman had his house renovated so why should this lady be deprived of the same privledge. It shouldn’t be one rule for one and another for the neighbour.

      That’s inconsiderate and selfish.

      And good for her .. I’m happy for her.

      • If I may, it is my understanding that the so-called “… gentleman next door” was in competition to purchase the same property with the intent of enlarging his own holdings. I cannot help but wonder why that’s almost never mentioned in related stories. The gloves were off when Ms. Lisle-Mainwairing submitted the accepted bid on the property. At that very moment, it seems to me, any effort she made at renovating the property was doomed to protest by said neighbor. I can only hope I’d have the intelligence, wit & fortitude she has demonstrated in seeking Justice. I salute her & applaud the clear-eyed magistrate who was ultimately able to render an unbiased decision on her behalf.

    12. The person who brought Brexit into the equation, why? She is British, whereas the original disputee, her neighbour from South Africa, is not. I would hope that where I to have the unlimited funds she has I would also stick to my guns, good for her. Read the article where her stepsons and their families say she hasn’t given them the money from Daddy’s will they were promised, her money incidentally.

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