The “Donald Trump of the UK” (without the power) according to her fans but just a “piss poor Nazi bigot” according to others, Anne Marie Waters failed to become leader of UKIP in September 2017. Born in Dublin, educated at Nottingham Trent University and a lesbian, Waters condemned her loss as “Jihadi – 1, Truth – 0” and went on to form a joke of a new party named For Britain in October 2017. A former Labour candidate also, this immigrant hater surprisingly has 65,000 followers on Twitter and repeatedly makes claims such as “Islam is evil” and: “The law will be used to silence anyone with a semi-right opinion.” She especially hates the Pope and Somali refugees. What a delight!
She speaks the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muslims and immigrants are BAD NEWS and Donald Trump is right to build a wall to keep out the pesky Mexicanos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lock ’em all up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Britain needs to MAKE ITSELF GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the war on Islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intolerance and bigotry has no place – not even in UKIP.
She is full of hate and will be speaking I saw at the Ben Duncan frequented Traditional Britain Group conference I see. What a disgrace!
She should get together with Viscount St Davids now he’s out of the clink.
Theresa May would make mincemeat of her.
You defame a decent lady crusading for what is right just like you do to Rolf Harris and Max Clifford — innocent men! You should be ashamed of your actions and apologize to all concerned.
Are you still supporting disgusting convicted paedos? As for that woman she is as ridiculous as you are. “UKIP” and “For Britain” and “an immigrant hater”? That immigrant, born in Pope loving Dublin, needs to piss off back home. Why don’t you join forces with Trott and begin saying child killers are innocent.
Anyone too thick to see the irony in being an immigrant hater whilst themselves being an immigrant doesn’t deserve 60,000 followers. Unless, of course, they’re doing so ironically
She plainly knows as much about Islam as she does Catholicism. Trump of the UK, she’s broke and without power… How’s she any sort of Trump?