An octogenarian career criminal who refuses to change her ways. Thompson has a 20 page rap sheet dating back and has been imprisoned at least ten times in Los Angeles and Orange County. She’s variously been arrested for disturbing the peace, forgery, grand theft and burglary and of her Paulette Paccione, the Los Angeles County deputy district attorney commented: “She likes to burglarise medical suites for some reason. That’s her niche”.
Why on earth should this be of any interest whatsoever…………………?!
Her story is terrible. Perhaps she has mental health issues.
Once again a interesting and informative article by Steeples Times. Doris Thompson has obviously been neglected by the American Prison authorities and community Mental Health Services. The assessment of Doris Thompson offending behaviour by the Prison authority is probably inadequate or non existent. Her offending behaviour is probably not her fault. The substance misuse service within the Prison must have also failed her. Her offending behaviour is as result of conduct disorder. The Prison Authorities are guilty of not addressing these issues.
Doris is innocent and the victim. Lets be Liberal about this.