Thursday, March 27, 2025

Judy Finnigan

Judy FinniganThis former daytime television presenter is now a novelist who somewhat ambitiously compares herself to Dame Daphne du Maurier. Better known collectively with her second husband as just “Richard and Judy”, Judy Finnigan has been beset by rumours about her love of alcohol for many years. She didn’t exactly help put a stop to such by setting up a wine club whilst co-presenting Channel 4’s Richard & Judy show but having retreated to Cornwall to write, she now also “doesn’t want [to hear] comments about her looks anymore”. Here is an example of someone who would do well to follow the mantra of: “If you don’t like the heat, keep off the publicity trail”.



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  1. Please, for Heavens sake leave her alone, she is a wonderful, kind person, who cares about all her Family….and this is a person, who never pretended to be a model or a beauty queen, L e a v e it now before she finally flips….I know I would. I watched the first and last episode of This Morning when I moved To Suffolk with my Husbands work. S since then, my darling hubby has been through bowel cancer, had a t.i.a or ( mini stroke ) and I know that stress, takes it toll on your looks, and yes. I have the bit of botox in my forhead from time to time….but I just think, she takes too much CRAP from bloody newspapers , that s if you can call them THAT…….anymore? The Richard and Judy I knew have not CHANGED………THEY HAVE JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU GOT OLDER AND WISER AND SHOULD NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYONE ELSE. Richard is a very handsome gentleman and ….for… will always look after his and her one thing in life they both love…..their children, their care for their real friends and after reading their Auto boigraphy and seeing them with Caron Keating etc., makes me wonder how any person could put this photograph of one of the publics fave females out . Talk about, low and shallow and a hell of alot of alteration to the pic……no doubt! God has anyone seen the latest picture of MADONNA LATELY ? She is meant to be a ruddy glam rock chic, who would look better in A WAX WORK MUSEUM. PREFERABLY NOT IN LONDON… Go Jude, your family are lovely and I for one …aged 62′ do my bit of botox but no, you stick to your plans …and sod em all. You were brilliant on your This Morning programme and at our age my Mum had been dead for many years from Motor Neurone, so perhaps, people should go and find other things to TRY …. To occupy their small, pee sized brains, because one day they will get a shock and have their Wife taken looking as though she had been through a tough time and Family’s are hard…….especially, when , you had your two that we have all come to KNOW, with Richard, and I think you are a good Mother and before I know you have had Dan and Tom, just keep your man, he loves you very much, and always lets every one know it, so just go hibernate for the Ŵinter honey , we are just waiting for your Chloe and Jack to take over from Philip and Miss Cutie, during the daytime….and do not get me on the personality disorder going on ther. Keith Lemon is vile and he gets paid for absolutely CRUDENESS, AND OF COURSE SHE WILL STILL LOOK LIKE BUTTER WOULD NOT MELT IN HER MOUTH AT 64? I do hope so, and there must be a GAG in there somewhere for the Nerd……..who was voted on our last cruise, the second most disliked man of the T.V. Only to be beaten by the most…….grrrrrrrose person, who does the ADVERY for the double glazing advert. YOU KNOW THE ONE? …..YOU BUY ONE, YOU GET ONE FREE. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr,, Long haired lout with a huge mouth, who got the most votes, we cruise now because I hate flying, I have OSTEO AND R.ARTHRITIS sure that’d
    I actually wonder why she had two children, because I knw one thing within a FIve year period of, a few flings here and ther there will be no Dan, and her babes will go through alot worse than Chloe did, who by the way , we thought was a lovely model in her youth,………as she is still so young so JUDY JUST LAUGH THIS OFF AND SOD THE BSTDS…..LOOK AT THE PRINCESS OF WALES…….BEAUTY, well, o.k. But attractive I would say and a 6.ft young girl, who thought that everybody loved her, in the end she got killed by the papers.. Wake up Jude, its one mucked up photo and at least you can S M I L E And Madonna can ‘t nor Cher, nor Joan Colin’s, so, you just do what you darn well want . Hope YOU have fun over the Family Fewtive time or are you going to fly off somewhere , where, the Bstds cannot find you? On behalf of me and my friends, we loved you Judy Madely and Richard & you should have a great Christmas! ! Obviously with Richard doing the cooking. He has taken everything well, it must be hard for him too, and why is is although my Hubby of 40 years has had so much chemo etc , he still looks gorgeous, as does your Hubby. P.s. Judy, smile at all aeons you, you have the nicest teeth on the T.V.and I mean it!. God Bless You, take care Judy, don’. t let the bastds get u down. Smile through it all, that would make them bugga off? !!!!!!!from a fan of yours since 1988 ish, until you disappeared ,pity you ever moved from Didsbury? I reckon, awful wes a ut Fred on the weather map, you just never know what goes on, behind closed doors? X From a 62 year old , probably looking 55 because of a bit of work, nothing under the scalpel though, I mean what is the point, we are all going to get old and then pop oir clogs, I chose to have a few lines filled in and a bit of botox, I just hope & pray you are still going to do you bit in the newspaper columns as they come straight from the heart. So KEEP WRITING AND LOOK FORWARD TO SEING A LOVELY FAMILY PORTRAIT OF YOU WITH YOU LATEST ADDITION TO YOUR FAMILY, OH GOLLY SOMEONE IS GOING TO BE A SPOLIT BABE IN ARMS!!!!!!!!
    From Nica, with respect for you and Richard. Please excuse dreadful l diction, I have family probs. Take this little iPad to bed and never get to sleep before 3pm, but I felt I had to say something about the Bstds that are allowed to use picture of a person, that was just feeling so low, they made it look as bad as they could. Still they should really have a long hard look at Maddona, not one of my favourite people, after she ruined American Pie!!!!!Pity, she has never eaten a piece in her macrobiotic bloody silly diet. Still SINGLE IS SEE, OH WELL THE WILL BE ANOTHER TOY BOY AROUND THE CORNER AND WHATEVER SHE HAS HAD IMPLANTED IN HER CHEEKS

    • What a rant. Please be more succinct next time as your points are totally lost in the lack of attention to grammar, spelling and overuse of capital letters.

    • Oh dear.
      Do you share the same alcohol regime as the raddled fat one?
      Your writing style is very similar.

  2. Leave the poor woman alone – she doesn’t need anyone else to tell her how she looks. Age comes to us all and savaging people who are guilty of getting older or changing their shape (or whatever) isn’t particularly constructive; nor does it reflect well on those doing the criticising.

  3. Judy is a angel compared to the likes of Edwina Currie. Edwina handed over the keys of a secured Hospital to Jimmy Savile, giving him access to the most vulnerable patients on our National Health (NHS) Edwina Currie is a celebrity? Nice one ITV….

  4. leave her alone. looks are not everything.
    her husband obviously still loves her no matter how she’s changed and so do her children. that’s all that matters. at least she doesn’t let it bother her. unlike some of the empty headed bimbos who think looks are everything. i still think you are a very lovely person judy.

  5. Where do the dig these so called celebs from I bet Finnigan cannot wash a cup up, They are elevated because the people at the top who interview them for a job do not go deep enough and need to go to spec savers..nough said except good riddance…

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