Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Kelly Brook (born Kelly Ann Parsons)

Kelly Brook (born Kelly Ann Parsons)A leading member of the ‘smug club’, Kelly Brook claims to love animals yet reportedly laughed about punching two ex-boyfriends in the face during an interview in 2014. A model and second-rate actress of comparable quality to the equally self-loving Liz Hurley, Rochester, Kent born Brook is the daughter of a scaffolder and has been engaged four times. Extraordinarily, this Grand National hating sort describes herself as being “global” on her Twitter handle: Hold the front page.



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    Paedophile Shawn Sullivan (AKA Shawn O'Suilleabhain and ‘The Putney Paedo’) – Convicted sex offender in Ireland, accused sex offender in America, protected in Britain


    Shawn Sullivan (AKA Shawn O’Suilleabhain and ‘The Putney Paedo’)

    The Steeple Times
    The Steeple Times
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    1. Rod is up to his best performances again ! see (45 this time round).
      And as for the post Matthew, I suggested before that if you used the Cyrillic alphabet you could find some lower slots than “Z”. I am sure both her and Liz are flattered by being called actresses.

    2. If one wishes to amuse oneself click through to Rod’s Facebook picture.
      It shows this man, with a face resembling a bottom, adorned with those huge glasses so popular in the ’70’s.
      I think Kelly Brock would be horrified to have the horrifically ugly Rod singing her praises. Mind you, in their disparate ways, they are both hideous.

    3. I love Donna Air’s cut glass accent and her high falutin’ ways. It is shocking how the lower classes have got everywhere

    4. I don’t have a clue what she is like off camera, but these days always find myself feeling sorry for her. She left Jason Stratham for Billy Zane, and then Stratham goes on to outearn Zane, and Zane dumps her. You would be so cross with yourself.

      She’s z list these days. Her earnings were based on her looks rather than talent, and looks don’t last.

      Also, I wouldn’t wish a still birth child on anyone.

      Kelly Brook is resilient, I’ll give her that compliment.

    5. If only her brains matched the size of her boobs. “Oh (h)ang on which (h)and is it you put the engagement ring on again, is it this one? I can never remember even though I dun it four times”

    6. What is hilarious about her is now that she’s packed on several stone of flab she is reinventing herself as a horticulturalist. She’s taking credit for the landscaped gardens of the home Billy Zane paid her off with, even though all the work on the gardens was done long before she’d ever seen it by people called McBride who lived there for years. No one is calling her out on this and the press are falling for her blatant lies. No one from round here can quite believe she’s claiming she is responsible for the garden and she’s getting film crews in to show off her “work” and “expertise” She’s spent the last year posting endless photos of plants trying to defraud the public.

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