Our agony aunt doesn’t mince her words and makes The Sun’s “Dear Deidre” seem tame. She whips those who write to her into submissiveness and believes that whilst Essex girls are “like mopeds: you may not like to be seen with them but they are much more fun to ride” Chelsea girls are “like cream: thick, rich and taken by themselves bland and sickening”. If she doesn’t follow you on Twitter, she just isn’t interested.
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What a brilliantly inspired column. Will be sure to read this every week now.
Excellent! However, I’m deeply upset that I was not offered this inspiring and valuable position on the Steeple Times. When she calls in with a ‘sicky’ then please contact me. Thanks.
A business partner Esra Siebra and I operated a concession store in Africa. Our clientele was migrant workers.
We were sort of in the rag trade. We kept minimum stocks of female undergarments for the benefit of the visiting wives. Esra had a phobia for underwear, he even feared his own underwear. He was a very shy man, he could not stand the sight of a thong. He broke out in a sweat and experienced palpitations. I ended up having to do all the ordering and stock control. To this day, it remains a unexplained phenomenon. He consulted the witch doctors and shrinks, but they did not know their ass from their elbows either.
Perhaps Mrs Milf can shed some light on this.