Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Panda Morgan-Thomas

Panda Morgan-ThomasThis ridiculously named woman is Knightsbridge’s leading busybody. A resident of Sloane Street, Morgan-Thomas and her daughter hector motorists and believes she lives in a “village”. How many villages do you know with Chanel, Gucci and Armani on their main streets?


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Deal? What Deal – Theresa May’s meaningless Brexit non-deal – Theresa May comes under attack from all sides in Parliament as Speaker Bercow calls “mostly hardline Brexiteers”


The Rt. Hon. Theresa Villiers MP (AKA ‘The Telegraph Crow’)

The Steeple Times
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  1. Actually, from memory, she said it used to have a village like atmosphere. Though I cannot abide the woman I think good journalism demands that the facts be set out coherently. Those of us old enough to remember Sloane and King’s Road years ago remember elegant streets filled with interesting small quality shops. Sloane St is just vile now and King’s Rd no better

  2. Actually the cars are quite nice to look at – but I wish they had a little more safety in mind. Perhaps the road around Harrods should be made into a track for a couple of days during Ramadan and then the guys with the super cars can have a proper race. Say first to do 100 laps around Harrods…

    • Yes, they are doubtless customers of yours. Frankly, they are their vulgar vehicles should ship right back to the desert. To think that the English, without doubt, an extraordinary race, should be in thrall to these people who have no consideration for the elderly and sick continually disturbed by these idiots.

  3. She is SUCH a boring stupid woman. We spend money when we’re here. We enjoy ourselves. All she does is moans.

  4. Is money, gambling and sex all you Arabs ever think about? We don’t give a fuck whether you enjoy yourself or not here. If you come try to behave in a way that doesn’t piss everybody else off.
    You come from alien cultures with barbaric attitudes towards gays, women and any religion that doesn’t obsess about the very weird Islam that favours beheadings, stonings. Lat year the Saudi’s executed someone they thought a witch! Pure medieval….
    Arabs and their crazy religion are the source of most of the worlds problems.
    The fact is that you were fortunate that the West told you had oil in your barren deserts….had we not you would still be consorting with sheep and camels

  5. While I have agreed with some points you have made Peter, that last comment is nothing more than narrow minded and bigoted. Who are you to stereotype like that?! It would do you good to go out and enjoy some of what London has to offer instead of writing novel-length comments and getting pissed off at the internet.

  6. At the moment I am ensconced in my house in France so will have to leave the pleasures of London for my return in a month or two! I suppose you have some job which involves making money out of Arabs!
    In the last few hundred years what have they given the world? Nothing except pure, savage medievalism.
    I hope they all fight each other to the death and leave us all in peace.
    I see the people behind the ISIS kidnappings and murders are intending to retire to Kuwait and Qatar with their blood money….
    As to my novel length comments: if you only have the attention span of a ill educated gnat don’t try to read them.

  7. Peter Wayde is my nominee for this year’s “Victor Meldrew Curmudgeon of the year” award. I think, sometimes, that he should be placed in a darkened room with a tape of Michael Winner’s mantra playing on a loop “Calm down dear, calm down”!

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