More of a molehill than a mountain, UKIP’s dimwit “interim leader” (for a moment and thankfully hopefully not a moment longer) believes her party to be “anything but racist.”
In a lorry wreck of an interview on Adam Boulton’s ‘All About Politics’ on Sky News on 2nd December 2019, this Brighton based berk and wannabe Kate Hopkins remarked of the impending General Election: “We don’t have any black candidates, but we’ve one maybe Indian sort. I’m not quite sure what he is.”
Of Tommy Robinson, she added: “I thought you’d ask me about him… Tommy Robinson has associations with other racist parties… He’s knocking on Boris Johnson’s door” and of the PM himself, then concluded: “He’s just warmed-up Theresa May. He could have been microwaved.”
Pat Mountain has also previously declared she’s into “shenanigans” and daytime telly, but about the only thing this Diane Abbott-like woman got right is her analysis of her electoral chances when she announced: “I won’t be entering 10 Downing Street anytime soon.”
Pip Pip, Pat.
Words of wisdom from ‘Pat The Prized Pillock’:
“I’ve no idea what a constituency is… I don’t know any of our key targets either.”
“A branch can be just two people. We can regroup. Jog on the Brexit Party and Nigel Farage.”
“UKIP is brave… If we’re given the chance to govern, every British citizen would sleep easier.”
“I joined UKIP because we’re not safe on our streets… I have friends who won’t go out after dark because someone might jump out of the shadows.”
“I don’t believe in feminism and all that nonsense… But women have become the underclass.”
“Be as brave as Gerrard Batten. We thank you for your bravery Gerrard. You have been so brave and you saved UKIP.”
“I stand ready to sail the good ship UKIP into clear waters.”
“I could talk at length, but I haven’t got much time left… I better not go on.”

She is mental.
She gives us old folk a bad name.
She’s right about immigrants!!!!!!!!!! But don’t send her Down Under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s an ugly Sheila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No thanks —- send me Katie Hopkins instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY BIRD that one!!!!!!!!!
She is about their 20th leader this year. At least she’s not called DICK BRAINE.
How utterly horrible. Pam Mountain is a lovely woman and you should realise she’s trying to save your country —- YOU PEOPLE ARE NO DOUBT IMMIGRANT FILTH SCUM TRASH.
Calm down you Sico.
That bloke who the BBC interviewed by mistake made a better fist of it than this daft old biddy.
“Daft old biddy” is a very fair assessment of Pat. The poor dear should stick to her knitting circle.
The Grim Granny would be a better nickname
The Nan picture is brilliant!