Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Countess of Carnarvon (née Fiona Aitken)

Countess of CarnarvonThe chatelaine of Carnarvon Castle, the Countess of Carnarvon is a lady who doesn’t mince her words. In a March 2015 interview with the Mail Online, Lady Carnarvon complained about Ralph Lauren taking selfies on her staircase and stated she’d “rather spend [her] money on dog food” than deal with bills for lawyers in her spat with her neighbour Lord Lloyd Webber. Of the implications of her home appearing as the Grantham residence on Downton Abbey, this Fulham raised mother of one added: “It’s like that show, Poke Your Nose Through the Keyhole… I do get annoyed when visitors chuck litter about”. One better just make sure Andrew Lloyd Webber’s nowhere to be seen as Lady Carnarvon determinedly concludes of her persona: “I am a woman who knows which battles to fight”.




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Brooke Barzun (née Brooke Brown) – Ambassador’s wife


Brooke Barzun

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  1. She ought to sell to Lord Lloyd Webber. He’d have the good sense not to allow ghastly television crews in. Talk about lowering the tone. Next she’ll be selling the silver.

  2. I’m surprised she let those 4 legged thingies wander around the lawn making all those holes, and dropping woopsies everywhere. Having said that I have some advice for those who are under about 5 ft 2inches tall. Don’t stand to close the back end of the said thingies, and NOT because of the feet.

  3. It is not their “family home” – they live in a (large) farmhouse in the grounds most of the time or certainly did until recently. It has been a bit of a financial millstone round their necks for a long time. She has won many friends in the area for giving Lloyd-Webber short shrift tho. He has a reputation locally for being high-handed with all and sundry and for throwing tantrums when he doesn’t get his own way. Having said that, his objection was to the plan to build houses in an AONB, outside the village envelope, which a lot of people objected to. The Carnarvons wanted to have an exception to the normal planning rules because they needed the money. That is why LLW offered to buy Highclere in a letter to the Planning Dept – implying that if they were desperate for money, he could take Highclere off their hands…. Rather tongue in cheek, I think, but bloody cheek as well.

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