As TV twerp and alleged tealeaf Richard Madeley patronises a member of the England ‘Lionesses,’ we call on GMB to fire this utterly reprehensible ratbag
Richard Madeley is certainly one thing and that’s reliable. This alleged shoplifter of champagne who brags about not wearing underpants is reliable at being offensive and he’s reliable at thinking his own cringeworthy gaffes amusing.
Madeley is reliable at being annoying and like the fictional character he bases himself upon, Alan Partridge, he’s someone who doesn’t realise that people are laughing at him and not with him. Here is a berk of the first order and here is a prized prat who this morning decided to insult one of England’s winning ‘lionesses,’ a lady named Chloe Kelly.
‘Lioness’ Kelly – who scored the winning goal against Germany on Saturday night – appeared on Good Morning Britain this morning and instead of being lauded by Madeley was left “perplexed” after he called her “Coco” because “that’s what [he] calls [his] daughter, Chloe.”
Though called out by viewers quite rightly as “creepy” and told to “show some respect” to the now legendary ‘Lioness,’ Britain’s worst television interviewer failed to make any form of apology and simply droned on: “Right, er, now it’s competition time. We’ve got another one.”
Pictured top – The most cringeworthy and creepy presenter on British television (left) with his boozed-off-her-brain wife and the legendary ‘Lioness’ Chloe Kelly (right). This winning goal scorer did well not to get up and lamp Judy Finnigan’s feckless fool of a husband.

Responses To Richard Madeley ‘Coco’ Gaffe With Lioness Chloe Kelly

‘King of Cringe’ Richard Madeley’s ‘Finest’ Moments
Many of these have done the rounds before, but mixed in are some new and especially outrageous examples:
On his son’s wedding
“There’s been so much angst about it… It’s been so choppy, but, yes, he got married and now we’ve got a daughter-in-law.”
Of his daughter
“Sorry Chloe, but you were an accident and you know it!”
To a member of the victorious England 2022 ‘Lioness’ team named Chloe Kelly
“Chloe or Coco, as I call my daughter, Coco, thank you very much. Thanks for coming in. Right, er, now it’s competition time. We’ve got another one.”
To a male weatherman of his daughter
“My daughter fancies you by the way.”
In conversation with President Clinton
“I know what it’s like to be wronged by the press. I was once accused of shoplifting. Unlike you though, I knew I was innocent.”
Of daubing himself in fake tan and turning a “shade of mahogany”
“What happened was at three in the morning I put my daughter’s fake tan on, I was doing a Donald Trump.”
On going commando
“I don’t wear underwear… 30 per cent of blokes don’t wear underwear, it’s not mad.”
Whilst on the lavatory squatting
“You are not filming me urinating. You can listen.”
To an actor who was playing a bisexual
“Would you prefer to have sex with me or Judy?”
Of his and Judy Finnigan’s sexual activities
“When we were trying to conceive, I would douse my balls in icy water before intercourse.”
“Remember when you had thrush, Judy? You had a terrible time of it.”
On Viagra
“It makes everything much longer and return, you know, swiftly.”
Of sex on television
“I don’t think what we see on television is erotic enough.”
Of women
“I’ve never met a single woman who’s happy with the way she looks, except Jordan, although I’ve never met her.”
“Women lie about sex. It doesn’t matter how many partners she says she’s had before you… She’s lying.”
Of alleged mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell
“The sharks are circling; they smell blood in the water… Cynics would say the [FBI] agency is playing a long game, seeking to sway the minds of jurors in advance of Maxwell’s trial next year… Innocent until proven guilty? That honourable credo is in shreds.”
“Firstly, consider the conditions under which Ms Maxwell is being held. They are truly grim… It would take a heart of stone not to feel empathy for another human being suffering what amounts to mental torture. To coin a phrase: you wouldn’t treat a dog like that.”
“But it’s not sadism, or premature punishment ahead of a verdict. No; there’s calculated purpose behind this pitiless regime. But, here’s another prediction… it will. They’re trying to break her.”
On elephants
“So, are you telling me elephants are not born evil?”
After a woman remortgaged her house to fund treatment for her dog
“Is there a point where you just say: ‘Too expensive, the dog has to die?’”
To a man crying after paramedics saved his life
“Stop crying! This is supposed to make you happy! Anyway, after the break, the biggest dog in the UK. And he really is big. Don’t miss it!”
Showing sympathy for people who died in quicksand in Morecambe Bay
“Yes, what an awful way to die.”
On assisted suicide
“At that point where you just need a little push to go over the edge, I wouldn’t give a two-penny f**k if there was a risk of being prosecuted.”
In Nostradamus-like fashion on coronavirus and lockdowns
“We are being duped… [They are trying to] put the fear of God into the public. A great reckoning is coming.”
“There’s no point in running away and hiding from the virus.”
“We must learn to live with coronavirus.”
“If I had a bell, I would ring it… Only 59 people who have been double vaccinated and without any other serious underlying health problems, died from COVID, out of 50,000 deaths in England, this year.”
“I have to say that the majority of people are surprisingly forgiving [to government representative Steve Barclay], and are actually saying that they understand that the reason for some of the mistakes wasn’t malpractice but scientific ignorance – we didn’t know enough… But on the whole, you seem to be getting away with it – as far as our viewers are concerned.”
Of catarrh
“With men when we get all the catarrh we have it up, like Leo on Titanic… Judy swallows her phlegm.”
Of old women skipping
“There’s not many better things than seeing an older woman skipping.”
Of wanting to be black
“I hope when I’m reincarnated I come back black because you age better.”
To actress Keira Knightley
“Can we get some make up please, get Keira looking like a crack whore, she’d make a good crack whore.”
To singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor
“Where did you get your face?”
To mindreader Derren Brown
“Can we have petroleum and a rope? We are burning you at the end of the show.”
To Sex Pistols singer-songwriter John Lydon
“If we could throw a fishing rod into the corridors of time and reel you in, you’d throttle you wouldn’t you?”
To gay Pet Shop Boys singer Neil Tennant
“How’s your wife?”
To a novelist
“If you were going to write an autobiography, who would it be about?”
Of troubled footballer Paul Gascoigne
“He suffers for us. He bears our pain in the most public way possible… Perhaps this has always been Paul Gasgoine’s destiny.”
To a psychiatric patient
“So, Jane, when did you first realise you were quite clearly mad?”
To a group of dwarves
“Do you find that people patronise you? That means that they talk down to you?”
Of an autistic teenager
“The thing with Daniel [Wakeford, a ‘star’ on Channel 4’s Undateables] is, he has autism but is very intelligent and as we can see extremely talented. Has Daniel always been autistic?”
To an anorexic teenager
“Five stone? Wow, that’s concentration camp thin, that is.”
To a caller
“I understand you have a little lad of 12. Is it a boy or a girl?”
And finally and most insensitively, to a young child with leukemia
“Hello baldy.”

It begs the question, how the hell is this twerp on prime time tv?
It’s as if he goes out of his way to make ridiculous statements to get ratings publicity for himself and the show. Surely ITV must have better talent than this moron to front our tv screens??
It is an unfortunate statue of Diana…why oh why…did they do that and who oh who designed it??!!
Judy looks very weary….
Some of those quotes are so off the wall funny I almost like mad Madeley
Holy cow. Did that dude buy Donald Trump’s hair clippings & make a toupe?
Richard Madeley deserves a slap around his pork chops. He’s Alan Partridge on acid.
Richard Madeley is a wonderful man. He speaks for the nation. You should celebrate his life. STOP THE BOATS. THROW OUT THE IMMIGRANTS. WHITE POWER. BAN FOREIGNERS. BORIS FOR PM.