Thursday, March 27, 2025

Churchillian Boisdale

Boisdale prepares for celebration of ‘Victory Over CV19’ with the launch of fourteen ‘war bonds’ to be redeemed when gastronomes can again gather  

With outposts in Belgravia, Bishopsgate, Canary Wharf and Mayfair, Boisdale is a London institution where the late, great Baroness Trumpington – a legend known best for once sticking her fingers up in Churchillian fashion at a fellow peer in the House of Lords when she took umbrage at some nonsense he was spouting – was given a prize for writing an article titled: “If I ruled the world” in 2015.


Churchillian Boisdale – Restaurant launches ‘Victory Over CV19’ bonds – Boisdale prepares for celebration of ‘Victory Over CV19’ with the launch of fourteen ‘war bonds’ to be redeemed when gastronomes can again gather.
Baroness Trumpington and Sir Winston Churchill both enjoyed sticking their fingers up at things they did not like; they’d both have given the finger to COVID-19.

Now, like all restaurants throughout the land, Boisdale is sadly temporarily shut, but its affable and somewhat eccentric proprietor Ranald Macdonald has decided to prepare his customers for the better days that will be with us soon.


Presented as ‘war bonds’ and featuring imagery of Churchill, the celebratory ‘Victory Over CV19’ vouchers on offer include everything from two whole lobster thermidors or a 20oz Scottish chateaubriand for two with four side dishes for just £75 (usually £120) to a private victory party with food and wine to the value of £2,000 for just £1,500.


Those wanting a real steal can opt for a £295 ‘Belvedere and caviar’ bond with 200g grams of Russian Oscietra caviar and a whole bottle of vodka to wash it down with (normally £695), but sadly the only thing Macdonald cannot provide is Churchill’s very own presence. When coronavirus is banished, the greatest ever wartime leader would have most definitely have reused the remark: “In victory I deserve it. In defeat I need it” as the very first champagne cork goes pop.


To buy Boisdale ‘Victory Over CV19 War Bonds’ click here.


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The Steeple Times
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  1. Baroness Trumpington was the best. Such a heroine. This initiative is fun. We must support our local restaurants if we don’t want to lose them when this is all over.

  2. What a fantastic idea The Boisdales are a wonderful experience. I will definitely be buying their war bonds

  3. I love Boisdale – I think I shall buy a lobster Thermidor bond! Will be a great treat once this boredom is banished.

  4. What a tremendous idea…..I am going to purchase the Dom Perignon and Caviar for two!

  5. I would be delighted to buy One or more Belvedere and 200gr Caviar bonds but the bond says 30gr not 200gr. Which is correct please?

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