Anthea Turner swings into an interview with ‘The Sun’ and shares that she had therapy over her tacky ‘Flakegate’ wedding photos
Anthea Turner never misses an opportunity to swing into action when it comes to getting herself publicity and in an interview in today’s The Sun she went into overdrive.
Aside from moaning that she was “vilified” over her posed wedding photos with a chocolate flake rammed in her inglorious gob and claiming “I apparently did this heinous thing with a bar of Cadbury’s… You’d have thought I had single-handedly manufactured Covid-19 in the laboratory and released it to the masses,” Turner bizarrely announced: “It was like being naked all the time. I felt absolutely stripped.”
Going further of ‘Flakegate,’ tiresome Turner added: “I didn’t even like it. I’m more of a Dairy Milk girl” and declared she’d “had two bouts of therapy, helping her come to terms with the episode and move on… I realise no one died, but at the time and for years afterwards it was devastating.”
In further indication of her delusionality, ‘Princess Tippytoes’ (AKA ‘Shagger Turner’) concluded: “I was the original accidental influencer… but never got a penny for it… I’m still alive and kicking.” A Cadbury’s Flake with that Anth?
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Send her Down Under!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll save her the therapy costs and put her over my knee!!!!!!!!!!! She needs a good slap and tickle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pwoah normally —– but you chose the worst photo ever this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is this woman still in the news? Even Lizzie Cundy has something more useful to contribute and that’s saying something!
Did her and her ex-husband ever pay back the victims of their Imagine Homes debacle? The poor cleaners got nothing whilst Anth still lives in luxury. Shame on her.
Lock her up for her own safety! She should be in an asylum. How long do we all give this husband thief’s relationship with Mark Armstrong given he’s already bitten a policeman whilst high on magic mushrooms. She doesn’t half pick ’em!
Just to be clear, Lauren, are you saying she “doesn’t half pick her husbands”, or, “doesn’t half pick her magic mushrooms”? Should it be the latter then I would think she’ll have plenty of potential hubby’s lying naked among her Psilocybins waiting to be picked. Presumably those with a Dairy Milk in their mouth will be chosen first ?
Scrubber alert
Derek is right. The episode with Imagine Homes was a DISGRACE. She should be banned from being near business.
Gobby and grubby. That’ll be her epitaph.
James’s comment “gobby and grubby” Brilliant. Matthew should make a list of attention-seeking nothings to whom this description applies. A lot of them are in his Moron of the Moment articles.
I’ll just take the Cadbury’s Flake thanks..