Ross Burden passes away aged just 47
Antipodean television chef Ross Burden “died peacefully” on the 17th July aged just 47.

A model turned self-taught cook, Burden was a BBC MasterChef finalist in 1993 and went on to become a regular on Ready Steady Cook. He filmed a healthy eating video with Joan Collins, set up his own catering company and was dubbed ‘The Tastiest Man in Britain’.
A celebration of Ross Burden’s life will be held in Auckland on Wednesday 23rd July. This charming, larger than life gent will be greatly missed by many.
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A kind and decent man with indeed the most memorable of laughs. How did he die and why did he die so young?
I believe he died following a bone marrow transplant for leukaemia, an infection set in. A very charismatic man who was so much more than a celebrity chef. R.I.P Ross
Ross exuded warmth and humour. His grin was infectious. A scandalous (but not bitchy) gossip he also brought his knowledge as a scientist to enhance and explain his culinary skills. We shared many a glass of champagne together and I toasted his memory with another glass. Farewell old chum.
Well said Glenmore. He was a gossip but he could cook for England and drink for her too.