Etiquette know-all (know-nothing) William Hanson makes his second appearance of 2016 as a ‘Wally of the Week’
William Hanson is a man with a serious chip on his shoulder (and “a moist towelette in his hands”). We made this bitchy bore our ‘Wally of the Week’ in March after he stated that gin is simply the drink of “posers and peasants” and now, with his list of the “year’s most poorly mannered celebs”, he’s taken that title for the second time.
Hanson, a truly laughable snob with an ego the size of Harrods, compiled his list for the Daily Mail and included Andy Murray (for a “spectacular lack of gallantry”), Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (for “terrible timekeeping”) and India Hicks (for “ingratitude”). His choices were not only pointless, they were ridiculous and they showed only one thing: This moron is about as much use as a chocolate teapot. He truly should be sent to Siberia.
#GetHimGone #WallyOfTheWeek
Well tell the queen mother, god rest her soul.
You mean the Old witch
What are the Mail thinking? Most of their readers are “Gin and Jag” set. How to lose friends and alienate people.
He looks like he’s had too much gin already.
Get him on a gin drip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first I thought this was the making of a Monty Python sketch
What a prissy, pasty-faced prick. This mincing, nasal voiced fraud might once have been a waiter at Butlins but that in no way qualifies him to ‘advise’ his elders and betters. (That’s what come from watching too much Downton Abbey).
Just a couple more of his egregious solecisms:
He says: “Pink gin (add a splash of angostura bitters to the standard gin and tonic)”
Dope. A proper Pink Gin is a few drops of angostura with Plymouth Gin. Nothing else.
The benighted oik then suggests “Champagne (French, not the Italian or Spanish versions)”. There is only one appellation for Champagne. Any other sparkling wine is precisely that. Sparkling wine. Not a ‘version’ of Champagne.
What a prat. Still our resident galah now will be misinforming his Melbourne mates as to the ‘proper’ way to swig their stubbies.
Strewth. Give me strength. A bit early to attack the Hendricks bottle I ‘spose.
Hendricks is not gin. It is vodka flavoured with cucumber.
You can’t be a drinks expert if you think otherwise.
Jones, you’re a perpetual drip. Wasteful and completely annoying. (I wonder how many hours it took you to pen your insightful comment?)
HA! HA! HA!…..(Who the Hell gives a flying copulation for this dim little mental and social cripple’s opinion…..!!!?)
What a total twat.
Anybody who says he is “a teacup and a saucer in a world of mugs” is OK in my world.
A dick, but OK.
Very sociable drink is gin.
It gets more sociable after half a dozen. To be honest I prefer mine with added sloes at Christmas.
My Dear Mathew…An Oddity and a Moron…I do agree with you and he looks the part.
Best wishes,
Bienvenida Countess Sokolow
My Dear ‘Countess’
What happened to Mr Sokolow?
Yours interestedly
A mere paysan
I’m a rum drinker myself, so completely beyond the pale.
I hear Ellis Jones is brushing up his social skils by hanging on every word of this magisterial guru!
Well nothing quite like a nice Gordons and Coke on a balmy evening on this side of the pond, with a twist, of course.
I picture it….you and Ron and a couple of young ‘beauties’